Saturday, May 17, 2008

Weekend 3-Way

This edition of the weekend 3-Way features our answers to the 10 questions made famous by James Lipton on Inside the Actors Studio. Thanks for the idea Rita, even though we chose to neglect the other 90 things for now. We hope all of you - visitors, friends, and even foes- will feel inspired to put your own answers in the comments, but we know how you feel about commenting and we don't want to pressure you!

The questions:

1. What is your favorite word?
2. What is your least favorite word?
3. What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
4. What turns you off creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
5. What sound or noise do you love?
6. What sound or noise do you hate?
7. What is your favorite curse word?
8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
9. What profession would you not like to do?
10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

Ellie's Evil Twin, Skippy:

1. What is your favorite word?
2. What is your least favorite word?
3. What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
A strong margarita on the rocks, no salt
4. What turns you off creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
The bottom of the glass
5. What sound or noise do you love?
The pop of a wine cork
6. What sound or noise do you hate?
"Last Call!"
7. What is your favorite curse word?
Really? Is there more than one?
8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
9. What profession would you not like to do?
Bar mop-up guy
10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
"What can I get you to drink?"

Jacquie - pure as the driven snow:

1. What is your favorite word?

2. What is your least favorite word?
3. What turns you on?
The ocean
4. What turns you off?
Man perfume
5. What is your favorite curse word?
I think I’d like to use “batshit” more frequently
6. What sound or noise do you love?
Coffee beans in the grinder
7. What sound or noise do you hate?
Whining and/or fight sounds rising over the noise of my shower
8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?

9. What profession would you least like to do?
10. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive?
“NOW it’s getting good"

Beth - Somewhere in between, I suppose:

1. What is your favorite word?
2. What is your least favorite word?
3. What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
Yoga, kissing
4. What turns you off creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
5. What sound or noise do you love?
6. What sound or noise do you hate?
Car crash
7. What is your favorite curse word?
Jackass (see number 2 above)
8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
9. What profession would you not like to do?
Grave digger
10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?Hey, come on in, let me introduce you to the Cosmic Waitress


  1. 1. What is your favorite word?
    2. What is your least favorite word?
    3. What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
    Pablo Houston and his syster Debbie, seriousely-good spin, yoga, or kick-box, and then red red wine u make me feel so fine...
    4. What turns you off creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
    sickness & lyers
    5. What sound or noise do you love?
    Lugoboy's voice
    6. What sound or noise do you hate?
    sibling rivalry whining
    7. What is your favorite curse word? shit
    8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
    burlesque dancer
    9. What profession would you not like to do?
    anything to do with the dearly departed
    10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
    you did all you come in and relax for GOD's sake!

  2. Well, to find mine, you need to scroll down through 90 Nifty Things:

    I sympathize with Jacquie's #7, and it could make it on my list, but it does not fill me with the same kind of sweaty palm, weak muscled nausea that the sound of my #7 makes.

    I wish that Jacquie's #3 had an opportunity to happen to me more often.

    #5, I love that word, too, but it can only really be paired with "crazy." But, then you'd think it's be a regular part of my vocabulary (given the crazy people I'm around).

    Beth's #1 and #2 make us like soul sisters. I like her #5 a lot, too.

    And, I gotta love "Skippy's" #5. I was just complaining on Friday night that we don't drink enough champagne.

    You ladies are a riot!

  3. Geez. I just realized that I offered up conflicted answers to numbers 8 and 9. I don't want to be a grave digger for people who have recently died, instead I'd like to try digging up people who have been dead a long time?!?

    I may need some professional help.

  4. " I don't want to be a grave digger for people who have recently died, instead I'd like to try digging up people who have been dead a long time?!?'

    I thought it was a pre-planned statement of sophisticated irony and admired the thought you must've put into it. I actually gave a little laugh at it when I first read it, seriously, I thought you meant it that way!
