Monday, September 29, 2008

Rainy days and Mondays

It's no wonder that "Rainy Days and Mondays," the 1971 song by The Carpenters, went to #2 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart and was certified Gold by the Recording Industry Association of America.

Monday's suck. They just do -- at least if you're working the 9 to 5 gig (which I am). It's as if there's a big cosmic sign that reads:

It's too long. There are too many work hours between Monday morning and Friday afternoon.
And it takes such mental and physical effort to switch from happy weekend mode to resigned Monday workday mode.

And once you finally do get to the office, the mind resists. Your body and your mind long for the freedom of the past (always-too-short) weekend.

This resistance leads us to slack off a bit sometimes; to check email, do some online shopping, or, yes, to blog.
So in addition to the resistance there's the always present threat of being discovered.

We all do our best, but it can't be denied that Mondays are a struggle.
Mondays would be easier to endure if our offices employed these employee-friendly tactics:

But alas, most of our offices do not. So it continues, week after week, to be just as the chickens say:

Mondays always suck.


  1. Well, it's a rainy Monday so double whammy! When was the last time it rained? I had to run outside and pick up all the shit off the driveway and yard at 6:45. But, then on the way to school we saw a rainbow! So I decided that it's going to be a Good Day, even if I have to kill someone to make it so.

  2. Hmm, no rainbow viewing for me, although I did see lightning. I'm not sure what that means. Do you think I should be afraid?

  3. That's the spirit, Jacquie!

    And, Beth, I hate to say it, but I love Mondays, because all the peeps in the world have to go to w-o-r-k, and I don't. At least not for another few weeks. *If* you find youself needing, say, a mental health day, take a Monday off. Take every Monday off, and you'd see what I mean. You can get all your errands done, you can exercise, you can read the papers in your own house, alone, and you can cook a yummy dinner, and it's all entirely effortless. BUT, I certainly feel your pain. All those years of Monday mornings, waking up in the dark, and walking to the train station in the freezing cold, were absolutely brutal.

    "Hanging around (hang-ing a-round...), nothing to do but frown . . ."

  4. How funny, I was just humming that song to myself earlier this morning. This Monday is a hard one. But, typically, like Ellie, I don't mind them. Actually, the past couple of weeks, Monday mornings have been good because my little one has drop-and-run pre-school from 9-11, so I get blissful child-free hours first thing Monday morning (after rushing everyone else out the door), which is the perfect way to finish off a weekend and start a new week.

    But, yeah, for working folks, Monday mornings suck ass.

  5. gasp Rita, such language!

  6. But this is why we have your take the edge off.

  7. On my way to work this morning, at least an hour after my colleagues were plugging away at their desks, I decided to pop in to AAA (extremely unadvisedly) to get a passport renewal photo. Ouch. What the heck was I thinking?? Bright lights, wet hair, and the 1998 photo is so much prettier and less haggard... Oh well. For the next ten years, handing it over to suspicious customs guys, I will blame it on/recall a great weekend: late Reducers night Saturday and that Hygienic Art Park thing with extra unnecessary wine on raindate Sunday (nice volunteering, Billy!) -- not the fact that ten years have passed and I really need to get more sleep! Got in to work around 9:45-ish, and decided I should leave pre-5-ish, in time to catch post office to send off said renewal form, in case I win a contest and have a surprise free trip to New Zealand or something. So, subtract 45 minute lunch break to do today's puzzle and finish yesterday's... I think that was roughly a six hour shift I put in. Shame on me. It did take the edge off, though. Now it's only four days to weekend!

  8. I want one of those stampers! Where can I get me one?

  9. I try to treat everyday like Friday, even though it becomes the longest day ever.
