Monday, September 22, 2008

Today is Monday, but Sunday was better

Yesterday we had the pleasure of visiting with friends at their family’s beach house, which was so far south that my cell phone said:

It was a beautiful day, in a beautiful spot

There were big rocks for scrambling

There was a vast beach for exploring with friends big and small

If you turned around, you could check out the Tijuana Bullring!

But we mostly kept our eyes trained west.

After loads of laughs and drinks and sunshine and dinner,
we took a stroll toward the pier as the sun dipped into the ocean

And we ended up in that little building at the very end, where everyone got a treat

We got home too late for showers or the hours of restful preparation that might have been good for the start of another busy week, but the day was pretty close to perfect and I wouldn’t have changed a thing.

Now I must drag the sand covered hooligans from their warm beds.

Happy Monday!


  1. Oh, Jacquie, this is so great! I love seeing all your peeps. Lulu -- and your boy, for that matter -- is gigantic. And the preggers belly! What a treat. Looks like an awesome day.

  2. Not your preggers belly, of course. Desi's. Desi's preggers belly.

  3. Where the hell were you? IB? Because it does not look like Mexico....

    It does look like a good time though.

  4. Yes, it was IB. So lovely. And ellie, since my 6-pack abs weren't in any of the photos, I knew you were speaking of Des.

    You should have seen my kids going off to school - that hair that is totally tangled beneath a very thin layer of brushed bits, in my girl's case pulled back into a bumpy ponytail. They need to bathe in bleach tonight.

  5. LOL -- I read my comment after I posted it, though, and realized an unknowing person might get the wrong idea.....

  6. Meanwhile we're into our wool jackets and long pants up here in the vast Canadian wasteland. But we still have fun. But we sometimes get grouchy seeing pictures of people frolicking on the beach. But mostly we just make the best of things. And drink. Drinking helps

  7. How is it that you get to go to all these wonderful places and I just sit at home, century in and century out.

  8. omg. That brings to mind memories of long ago, when we would make the trek to Rosarita Beach - from San Diego. That was a lifetime ago. oh so much water under the bridge........

    thanks for the memory....

  9. Oh yes, when I get done camping I'm going there too.
