Friday, May 15, 2009

Poof Day

There's one day every year, after a long winter of snow and barren landscape, and then an interminable early spring, when everything finally just pops.

The grass gets green and the buds on trees turn to leaves and the sun comes out, and the whole world goes "Poof." That is what is called Poof Day.

Poof Day happened around here on Sunday, Mothers Day The Day of the Mutha.
There are rules to follow when Poof Day occurs. First, mow the grass.

And then, plant the veggies and herbs.

And plant flowers for Mothers Day Mumsie's Day.
Another thing happens around here on Poof Day as well.
Remember early spring?

All that yellow?

All those forsythia and daffodils?

The yellow is gone.

It's been replaced by a more dramatic, a more fragrant, a deeper and more delicious color.

You know about business time? Well, around here, it's purple time.


  1. We are past poof day here. Now we have all the fruit trees in bloom. Cherry, Apple and Pear trees all covered with white blossoms.

  2. Poof Day is the best day of the year!

  3. Yep... I know about Business Time.. heh heh heh.. Nice colors blooming up there in your neck of the woods!

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  4. I'm loving Spring this year. The only trouble is that I have to weed, and I'm incredibly lazy about it. Thanks to all the rain, I get to put it off again. But now I need to mow the lawn...

  5. Wow! I like the purple (you know I am the purple crayon), but what's getting me is how green it is -- just look at that back yard.


  6. It's true. All the rain has made it so lush and verdant and eye-popping green around here. It's almost too much for the human eyeball to bear.


  7. Purdy, I love all of that purple. We have Jacaranda trees everywhere here, and I just love the soft purple haze that seems to fill the air that surrounds them.

    I do have a special affinity for green ever since I discovered that is my true crayon color.


  8. We past our first poof and are waiting for poof number two. I have big expectations for the second poof so I'm very excited.

  9. That's some hyper-poofin' you go going on there!

  10. Poof day has come and gone, I suppose, but we're feeling very purple, too. Pretty pics!
