Saturday, July 18, 2009

Weekend 3-Way: What not to watch

Although it is summer, the season of sunshine and sand and sea and longer, lighter days, some of us still manage to fit in a TV show or two. I find myself watching more TV than perhaps ever in my life, and I’m surprised which shows hold my attention.

The shows are not on the History or Discovery channel, or even PBS, not that these channels don’t have terrific programing, because they do. But I’m finding I’m watching shows that can probably best be described as crap guilty pleasures.

So, what I’m wondering is what’s your TV guilty pleasure? (Ellie, I know, I know, you guys don’t have a TV, but perhaps you Hulu at times? Or catch some show at the Tavern? Or?)

I’m going to come clean. Today, this very evening, I’ve come to find that I just can’t turn off TLC’s What Not To Wear. It’s all at once awful and wonderful. I mean any show that says, “We’re going to get rid of anything that screams hooch,” is hard to stop watching.

My friend Johanna told me that she enjoyed the show, and honestly I thought I’d never watch it, but now that I’ve stumbled upon it, I see where she’s coming from. There’s something slightly addicting about it. And really, who doesn’t like to watch someone get to spend $5000 in NYC on new clothes?

I want to go with So You Think You Can Dance because I love that show, but I'll own up to BIG BRUTHA! Don't tell me you can resist it Beth, lying there in that tiny room with the pretty flat screen?! It wasn't that long ago when we used to discuss the houseguests' antics over sushi. This season is awful, hideous, and hateful. I'm riveted.

I've never even heard of that show. I'm a tv moron.

We watch ESPN or live sports all day at the Tavern, so that's out. I did have a bit of a hulu habit a few months ago -- I watched a few episodes of Rescue Me and The Closer. They were pretty good; I don't know why I stopped. I think I'm just out of the habit. I do miss tv during big sporting events. During that insane final set of the Federer/Roddick match, I listened to Radio Wimbledon and stared at the scoreboard on our laptop. Because I am a geek.

I did watch movies on our laptop 2 nights this week (I'm having a James Franco Fest -- I'm a Francophile), but my biggest addiction is watching Jacquie's kids give presentations on youtube.


  1. I just couldn't do it this season, Jacquie. Can you believe it? I missed the last summer or two, and just could not get back into in here this summer, though I appreciate your text tipping me off to the first episode.

    I'm glad you're rivited.


  2. ...a missed word and a mis-spelling. Urgh. I should really proofread before I post my comments....

  3. Oddly enough, some of the best Franco eye-candy moments are in Milk with Sean Penn.

  4. I know! Milk started me off on my James Franco Fest. I am seriously, deeply in love.


  5. But not as in love as with your late gay cowboy, right?

  6. There will never be a love as pure as that...


  7. We seem to be watching more this summer too. Right now my boys are watching the Spongebob movie.

  8. visiting the DE beach from PAJuly 20, 2009 at 6:52 AM

    I hate that I couldn't turn off The Real Housewives of New's like rubber necking on the turnpike when you see an accident.
    It does make me feel so much less dysfuntional and certain that money does not bring happiness or class.
