Monday, November 2, 2009

and then I'll shut up about halloween

For someone who claims to hate Halloween, I sure do talk about it a lot! I'm so happy that it's over, and despite the obscene quantity of candy that is now a very important part of my existance, it was a good holiday.

The bonus to sharing halloween photos today is that it allows me to forego the pretense of reason or intelligence. I can just grunt like the cavewoman I have become after this long, packed weekend and gesture at the cute and/or disturbing images of my spawn and their cohorts.


Look! funny dog:

Whachoo talkin' bout, pumpkin?

And look! Surly witch girl:

The madras print slip-on shoes slay me

And look! Disturbing pre-adolescent bloody boy:

He calls this look: Tortured Guy

Here is a photo that could very well land me in jail:

How many times do I have to tell you to lie still while I implant the bolt in your chest?!

We went to a party at the dojo that featured a costume contest. These were the finalists for the costume category:"scariest"

What mother could be more proud? Two out of five came from my very own loins!

My boy took home the trophy! My girl was a great sport, she said: "I'm just happy to be nominated to get the candy bar"

(aside) I love how in this photo, the knife through his head looks like cute little yoda ears

It wasn't until much later that day, after suffering through enjoying the festival at the kids' school, that we were able to join up with our neighbors for the nighttime fun. Our solemn witch found a kindred spirit, and smiles emerged from beneath the depths of green:

And the boys... well, the boys sort of speak for themselves

In the middle? Grampa Gangsta

The tortured one took time out from his anguish to help a sistah out with some grub

In the end, the almighty candy prevailed. These tuckered out tyrants sorted and traded and stuffed themselves ill.

In other words, it was a perfect Halloween.


  1. It certainly was. Great shots, Jacquie. And great costumes. They're so clever and adorable.

    I hope we don't have to shut up yet about Halloween; what will I post about tomorrow if we do?


  2. Tortured guy feeds ballerina -- I love it! Love all those crazy costumes.

    And first place? Very impressive, especially considering your Halloween dislike.


  3. So glad to see that you've kept up the tradition of dumping all of the candy on the floor and "trading".....I will give you 7 apples, a bag of pretzels and a dime for one gum-filled eyeball.

  4. feeling the cavities already in PANovember 2, 2009 at 11:58 AM

    And I thought the grandpa gangsta was just K-Fed in 40 years :)

    That little girl must have been really hungry to take food from a kid looking like he was in the losing end of a good fight. Wonder how that will play itself out in years to come.

    Happy Halloween!

  5. the madras shoes kind of match her green face...
