Friday, March 12, 2010

Fairie Light Wands

Camping in the woods can be very fun, and very rewarding.

You think you're just hanging out and alone . . . bam!

Little light fairies start painting the scene with their fairie light wands.

They're iridescent light fairies, which makes them all the more special.

One minute you're basking by the campfire . . .

. . . and the next thing you know, bam. Light fairies appear, working their magic.

But wait. It gets better . . .

One minute there's one Mistah Schlekcah . . .

. . . and the next thing you know . . . bam! There're two Mistahs . . .

. . . well not fully two . . .

. . . more like one-and-a-half Mistah Schleckahs.

I don't know how they do it, those light fairies. I go out into the woods, and I end up with a Mistah and a half .

I love camping.


  1. Great photos! I love the 5th one down. How did you get these shots?

    I can't wait to go camping again this year. So excited!!

  2. Cool. I guess it's always good to have a spare hubby in case something happens to one of them

  3. umm, did you guys pick some mushrooms out there in the forest???

    groovy indeed :)


  4. I want to go camping!

    (haha! my word varification is "wines"... how does it know?!?!)

  5. No wonder you guys go camping so often.
