Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Last week we went out to lunch with our friend Renee.

Hi Renee!

Renee brought us to a really cool place in Everglades City, Florida.

After being stared at by alligators for days . . .

. . . we finally got to eat them. Ha! On flat bread. Along with fried green tomatoes.

We also shared an awesome grouper salad, sauteed soft shell crab sandwich, and sweet potato fries. It was, in a word, deelish.

And the day was beautiful.
But the best thing about the day -- even better than our lunch and our Yuenglings -- (well, almost better) -- was the wildlife sightings.

We saw dolphins frolicking in the water . . .

. . . and we saw tons of pelicans.

Pelicans are wacky looking birds -- they look like caricatures of themselves. . .

. . . but, man, they provide hours of entertainment. At least for the likes of us.

"What up, dude?"


  1. Reading your posts from the Keys is like reading about a faraway magical land. It makes me so happy.

  2. Ellie:
    Just as I was reading your blog, three dolphins glided by my office window (you know the view)!

  3. Hi Pat, I would love to see three dolphins gliding by my window, instead of three school busses......Ellen C

  4. lovely, lovely. how did the 'gator taste? I'm starving.


  5. They DO look like caricatures of themselves, lol.

    Keep the great photos coming, Ellie :-)


  6. I'll be in Vero Beach in about 48 hours. Can't wait! Dunno if I'll see mr aligator or a pellie but I will see palm trees and deep blue ocean! Love all the pics:)

  7. I only have only seen pelicans flying around during two brief visits to my sister in Daytona Beach, and my main impression is how prehistoric they look - like no other bird. Of course, I also have always thought that all birds look like dinosaurs, and now it turns out I'm right...
    Welcome home, Ellie (and Bill)! Can't wait to see you!

  8. Mmm...gators, yummy! Gorgeous, jealousy inducing photos, as always.

  9. And then did you eat the dolphins and the pelicans, too?
