Thursday, May 27, 2010

"We Got The Whole World . . . "

We saw our friends Bob and Peggy the other day, and Bob told us he had just come across snapshots from the the day we bought the Westy -- the day we all bought the Westy: he came to Long Island on the ferry with us.

He's a V-Dub aficionado and we would not have bought it without him.

Bob and Peggy took photos that day in August 2000 and we took photos of their photos -- which were, sadly, not very good -- last weekend. But when I looked at them -- at our photos of their photos -- I decided not to crop out the hands holding the photos. Because, really, they're kind of cool and very omnipresent and godlike.

(They're my godlike and omnipresent hands, by the way)

Okay, this is the worst one, but also the best one, because it was 2000 and ten years ago and neither the Westy nor Mistah nor I nor our hair nor our skin nor westy's stove was quite as rusty as it is now.

Bill was, clearly, 12, and Bob was all about peace and love, man. Or maybe that's just the "V", at the beginning of "Vee-Dub."

Here's me upstairs in the bed and Bobby and Billy downstairs. The photographer clearly gave a rat's ass about them.

Here's this one again; is it any better? No, not really.

Anyway, I just love these photos, especially this shot . . .

. . . see us out that back window, 10 years ago? . . .

. . . reminds me of a recent shot taken of us . . .

it reminds me . . .

We got the whole world . . . in our hands . . .


  1. Wow, ten years! Poor ole Westy is showing her age, but you and Billy - not so much.... love it. Mom

  2. Okay, my word verification word is "frefun" -- clearly the Westy was not free, but she's paid for herself many times over, during this 10! years, and really at this point does provide (almost) free fun. Right?

    Yeah for Westy, and yeah for you guys. You're all looking sharp :-)


  3. I've always thought of you as godlike and omnipresent, Ellie. Can't believe it's been ten years! But then I remember that my girl was but an embryo when you first hit the road...

    love those shots, great post


  4. Great post. But, now you've got me drooling over the open road again, which is a terrible thing to do to an office slave. Really great shots. NEVER get rid of Westy; if you ever reach that point, call me and I'll come save Westy from an unloved future.

  5. You guys are soooo much fun! Aren't old photos just a hoot, and to have pics of that special day is just... well... it's just very cool. I bet you have tons of memories wrapped up in that Westy.

    Enjoy your holiday week-end.

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  6. I noticed the godlike and omnipresent hands before you mentioned them -- love it! What great captures.
