Monday, April 4, 2011

San Diego in the spring time

Although San Diego is a semi-arid climate we do get our fair share of blossoming blooms and flourishing flowers. And it was quite apparent this weekend that spring has sprung. 

I put in some time yesterday soaking up the sun in my backyard, where the jasmine, orange blossoms, calla lilies, lavender, hibiscus, etc. are in bloom, and smelling divine.

And although I have no scratch-and-sniff capability here, you can at least see the lovelies.

Really wish you could scratch and sniff here. Orange blossoms smell amazing! 

And just in case you're wondering what to do at a time like this: when the world gives you oranges....

...make sangria.

Salud to spring!


  1. lacking orange blossoms in Central PAApril 4, 2011 at 11:09 AM

    no need for scratch and sniff...but see and drink would be nice!

  2. Wait, that's all in your backyard?? Nice!

    I love those San Diego backyard blossoms -- I've spent a lot of time in Jacquie's backyard over the years, basking in the sun and gazing upon the bougianvillea. There is nothing quite like San Diego in the spring.... except maybe Asheville.


  3. Oh lovely.
    Can't wait to be in your backyard although 7 weeks from now most of those beautiful blooms will be gone, me thinks.
    Love, Mom

  4. beautiful! and the flowers are nice, too


