Monday, October 3, 2011

gratuitous girlage

My boy was off on some testosterone in training weekend with a friend, so my girl and I were partners most of this weekend. Both of my kids really love it when they get to be an only child. They are so dramatically different from each other that everyone usually has to compromise whenever we plan whole family activities, so it's nice to have an opportunity to immerse ourselves in one or the other's current interests from time to time. This weekend was totally girl flavored. My girl is a force of nature, a whirling dervish, a helper and a doer, and my GOD she never stops talking.

It was a stunning summer-like weekend, and dad was busy with work so my girl and I took ourselves to the beach. 

It was a departure for both of us to be just us two; She without her digging buddy and me without my drinking buddy. I couldn't stop taking pictures of that face of hers.

She went off to the water for a spell. I missed her. It was really quiet for those 14 seconds before she determined that it was too cold and came back.

the look
Here's something inexplicable

The clip that was on our pretzel bags says "Fried". Why?! WHY?

Later that day, we took the Westy out for a little neighborhood stroll and enjoyed quite a happy hour at the park.  

The next day, we went to the theater. Have Ellie or I mentioned the fact that we once drove cross country for three months together? And that every single day of that trip, we played a certain musical soundtrack on our cassette player at least once from start to finish, and we sang every word and we spoke every bit of dialogue and we emoted and we acted and we belted that shit out from the bottom of our very tootsie toes. Can you imagine my chagrin now, even 20 years later, when I have the chance to experience those songs live and in person on a stage where I am not welcome to join the song and dance? It was brutal. I could hardly contain myself in my seat.

Just ask my girl.


  1. A-LARM goes off at seven.
    And you start up tow-oh-oh-own.
    You put in your eight hours
    For the powers
    That have alway-hay-hay-hayes be-e-e-e-n.
    'Til it's five pee-em-emhe-em-em-em......

    Sorry. What were we talking about? Oh yeah, your girl.

    I love that calamitous girl of yours. She's so eager and fun and funny and is aways just inches from disaster. This summer, when you guys were in Connecticut, she started doing something completely helpful but totally misguided. I said, "Honey, do you think this is going to end well?" She looked at what she was doing, said, "Um, no", gave that half-laugh, and skipped off into her world.

    What a fun weekend, you two! Love it. And love *you*. To bits and pieces.


  2. Love those one-on-one momma-daughter outings! The personalities really do come out, don't they? And oh my, they seem so much sweeter when they have no sibling to whine about/to, poke, roll their eyes at, etc. They can *almost* make it the end of a story when solo.

    Also glad that you had such a lovely weekend to revel in your girl's girlness. Gotta love October!

    Finally, love that face of hers!! Yours too ;-)


  3. She is stunning!

    Reminds me of the summer that Beth was eleven and we were in Baltimore alone together..did dinner and the theater etc...a magical time to share with your girl.
    Love, Pat

  4. She gets more beautiful every day... thanks for this, warms my heart. love, mom
