Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Coastal cruising

It's been a less gray May than many years' past, which is so very nice for us San Diegans. Not wanting to waste the bounty, we decided to take a little cruise up the coast on Sunday.

There is so much to see. And I don't take nearly enough photos. But here are two stops that one must not miss if coastal cruising in San Diego.

Exhibit A, the Children’s Pool  (or Casa Beach) -- a tiny cove protected by a concrete breakwater. It was once a swimming beach for the kiddos, that is until the seals and sea lions moved in. Now swimming is discouraged, although not forbidden. And you are repeatedly warned with myriad signs and by a ranger to be quiet so as not to disturb the easily scared seals and their pups. It's a really cool spot to see a colony of seals in their natural environment. But it is not without its controversy. Oh no. This beach is a battle ground for organizations that want more protections for seals on the one side and those determined to make sure people aren’t squeezed out of this historic swimming beach on the other. I say let the seals have the tiny beach. But what do I know.

Well I know that seals like to rest.

Actually I recently learned that they need to rest from 10 -14 hours(!) a day to replenish their oxygen supply and dry out from their deep dives.


A gal's gotta drink, too.

Moving on to Exhibit B, the Torry Pines Gliderport. This spot is so great! It's located on a cliff overlooking the mighty Pacific, right across, and well actually also right next to, UCSD. And the Torry Pines golf course. The coastal views from this spot are spectacular, and the deli serves up some tasty morsels as well.

It's such a perfect place to grab a sandwich and be completely entertained.


Coming in for a landing. Look at that cool contraption!

Ohh, pretty again, and so SD Chargers'-ish

Look both ways...

Then get going

And you're off!


Sadly the very time we stopped by was the start of the memorial service for Pam Hargett, a glider pilot who died on those very cliffs on May 12th. So again, please remember that I suggested that you go watch the gliders, not necessarily become one. Unless you want to.


  1. What will have to take me, Beth.
    Love, Mom

  2. Great photos, Beth! I remember seal-watching with you in La Jolla many moons ago. xo

  3. Actually, *I*, also, need to rest from 10 -14 hours a day to replenish *my* oxygen supply and dry out from *my*, um, deep dives. I prefer to call them, "overindulgings", though.

    How lovely Beth! And how timely, with beach season finally just about upon us eastcoasters.

    *Love* the Chardre colors, too.


  4. Don't have to worry about me gliding, Beth, love the post.... Mom C.

  5. How beautiful, I don't go up there frequently enough! That was such a sad story of the woman who died, she seemed very cool.

    Lovely, Beth!

