Tuesday, December 18, 2012


How do we process this? How do we begin to process this?

I don't know.

I keep reading about it, I keep listening to the radio, and I just don't know where to start.

There are so many powerful pieces that have been circulating around the internet . . .

The New Yorker piece . . .

When will we Americans realize that our society is an unacceptably violent one, that this is how the rest of the world sees us, and that much of that violence is associated with guns? Will it be the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School? Where is our threshold for self-awareness?

The Anarchist Soccer Mom piece . . .

...these boys—and their mothers—need help. In the wake of another horrific national tragedy, it’s easy to talk about guns. But it’s time to talk about mental illness.

and The Onion piece, which offers no solution to any problem, just hits a nerve and articulates a feeling . . .

“I…” said Tom Miller, 27, after reading an article about the tragedy online. “I just…” 

 “…” he added.

I wish I knew what to say. I wish I had a solution. But as Jacquie said, Now we live in a world where something like this can happen. And as Beth said, There are so, so many things that are broken.

I keep reading, I keep thinking, I keep pacing.

I keep processing . . .


  1. no words.

  2. I hear you, sister. It's a desperate kind of limbo.

    I love you


  3. Here is the message I just received from my kids' k-8 school:

    Due to the recent event in Newtown, there are new rules for adults coming on campus. Adults are no longer allowed to walk through the side gate (near drop off) or through the front gate with students. Students are allowed to walk through both gates alone. All adults must go through the office, even if you are only dropping off and/or picking up, sign in, grab a visitor's pass if on the campus for a period of time, and sign out after you have conducted your business. Make sure you allow plenty of time for drop off or pick up, because there are lines for signing in and out through the office.

    I get the reason, but holy shit, this is total craziness. There are 650 kids in this school, can you *imagine* the sign in/out line? Our kids are all on lock down. Something has got to give. I'm already anticipating the next message that tells me I have to put all personal items in a clear plastic bag before entering. What other rights should I give up so that people can keep their precious easy and cheap access to guns.

    Yes, I'm pissed.

