Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Crust and Bone

Oh, the Oscars. Oh, those 85th Academy Awards.

I got to watch them this year. Sometimes it's tricky, not having a tv. My Dad used to say, "If you can't be a millionaire, it's good to be friends with millionaires." That's how I feel about my friends with tvs.

Katie had a party, and invited us. Us! with this suggestion:

Please join me to watch the Academy Awards and perhaps bring a dish inspired by an Oscar nominated movie. Such as Life of (Apple) Pi*, Les Miso-rables*, or Ar-goat cheese tarts.

*Gary gets credit for those.

And, oh how the peeps responded . . .

Zero Dark Thirty Cloves of Garlic Soup

Katie did in fact -- she reported -- peel thirty cloves of garlic. I told her a cut lemon rubbed on her fingers would get rid of the smell, but what fun would that be?

Searching for Sugar Man Cookies


Close Encounter Potatoes (of the thrice baked)

What? 1977 wasn't that long ago.

Beans of the Southern Wild

Totally awesome and clever and witty, don't you think? Plus healthy. Possibly the prize winner.

(Oh, and I made them.)

(Oh, and Mistah named them.)

Les Mizereatballs*

*This photo was taken while the horses, wearing the tricolore thundered by on their way to the French Revolution, which is why it's blurry.

Fresh Guacamole

No, really. Fresh Guacamole. The movie was nominated for Best Short Film (Animated). Paperman won, but Fresh Guacamole was the winner in my book.

Oscar's Zero Dark Thirty Dogs

Wait, we had another hot dog-inspired dish:

Cheezey Sausage Lincolns

Explains Carlos: "Cheezey Sausage Lincolns. Get it? Sausage Links. Groan."

Crust and Bone

Slices of an unidentified animal's bone,with marrow, and crusty bread? Oh, this may be a tie-prize-winner. Just like Skyfall and poor, ignored Zero Dark Thirty for the Best Sound Editing Oscar.

Salted Caramel Chocolate Amour


Argo-Choke Dip

Seriously, these people are clever.

Oh, what a spread.

What a minute, what's that?

(photo credit: Tracey)
Let's get a closer look:

Bloody Hildi*

*Frankly, I have no idea.

Also, how did I not take a photo of The Life of Pizza Pi? Homemade Pizza Pi, thanks to Dawnie. Sigh.

But anyway. The party was not all about the food.*

*It mostly was.

It was also about the booze . . .

. . . yum, Guinness.

Cheers, Angela!

. . . and it was also about a great crowd in a great room, watching tv, cheering and booing and cackling wildly . . .

(photo credit: Taia)

. . . and most importantly of all . . .

. . . it was about keeping the rest of the world fully informed.

Just kidding. It was all about the food.


  1. Oh my, seriously? You all are some damn serious witty, clever peeps. Really impressive! I can hardly wait to attend next year. (Ahem, you heard that, right, Katie?)


  2. That's awesome! How clever and creative are your peeps? I saw Fresh Guacamole, and loved it so much that I was rooting for it even though I hadn't seen any of the others.

    Now I'm starving, and I want to go to the movies.

