Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Bird Girl

A great many things run in our family.

Perhaps the most frightening is the recessive, quite rare, always surprising aviarius femalus gene, which causes bird-like behavior in Corey-women.

Remember Bird Woman?

Yeah, well, meet Bird Girl.

We first saw the ominous signs back in that fateful day in 2011 when Julie came out as the maddeningly non-elusive and annoyingly un-endangered Bird Woman that she is.

See Jacquie's girl in the foreground? Trying desperately to deflect the mad aviary vibes from her quite possessed Aunt Julie?

Well, it didn't work.

No, in fact, that recessive gene seems to have mutated, and found a perfect home in a quite willing host.

As happens with many inherited genes, our young Bird Girl seems to have absorbed Bird Woman's most outrageous trait, and magnified it a thousand-fold.

I fear for future generations.


  1. Clara and I love this!! mom

  2. Wow, that aviarius femalus gene is surprisingly strong!

    Although, this tiny bird girl is so dang cute, that I'm not sure we can go with maddeningly non-elusive and annoyingly un-endangered ;)


  3. Oh dear God in heaven above. I'm going to have BOTH of them under one roof this weekend. Yay!!! and help.

