Friday, January 31, 2014

one of my all time faves

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Les Girls

(this is not a post about the L-Word, although I dig that show in a completely heterosexual way)

We’ve been driving past the sign for years, but only recently has it become a topic of conversation.

My girl spoke of it first, saying to her brother: “I hate that sign.”
“That sign rocks!” said he, brimming with brotherly support.

Did I have to ask? Did my asking bring more attention to the sign, which would have otherwise disappeared back into the scenery?

But I did ask.

“It says less girls!” she exclaimed

Knowing that this was a pivotal moment in my parenting story, I quickly considered the options for my response.

I decided to go with: “ .....................crickets ...................."
Ever since that first conversation, the sign is often discussed. The analysis is becoming more sophisticated. My boy recently concurred that it is indeed a stupid sign, because they spelled “Les” wrong

I have found that the best, most mature earth-mother of the world way to handle this recurring glitch is to try for distraction when we approach the sign.

“look at all those birds on the telephone wire! How many do you think are up there?!”

“hey check it out - that bum has the same sneakers as daddy!”

“do you think they really put chicken beaks in the nuggets?”

But sometimes my mind is elsewhere, and conversation turns back to the stupid sign.

They took a closer look, and my boy asked what the word “nude” means.


“Birds? Bums? McD’s?"
“But it says “body shop”, what the heck?”
“want a pony?”

“I bet they get naked and like, dance around”

“Who would dance around NAKED?”

I’m going to have to find an alternative route to karate. I’m not ready for this.


  1. Tee hee. Good ol Les Girls, and their ridiculously giant, stupid sign. One of the most direct ways to get to my house of the highway, and it is that sign that welcomes us, sigh.

    It's funny, I don't think we've had that conversation, which seems impossible considering how often we drive by it and the fact that my kids have been able to read for years....

    Thanks for guiding me through how to handle it when it does come up, lol.


  2. “Who would dance around NAKED?” indeed.

    Aw, the innocent days. Now they are so worldly and wise.

    But let me ask you this. *Do* they put beaks in chicken nuggets??

