Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Chilly Scenes of Uncle Merv's Winter

I'm home from a wonderful whirlwind visit back east, filled right up to my brim with love and laughter. Uncle Merv's gotta get to work, so please enjoy a phone photo montage:
bar, art, sister, nyc

blankie love for my girl

bright flowers, bright snow

nice hair, Jane. nice collar, self.

me and Yobo rocking the 70s

photo by Mistah

beach interlude

blowing the breathalyzer 

adorable brunch host and hostess

Comparative eye blue

soup dumplings

then and now

obligatory goodbye sob photo


  1. fabulous re-cap... what a great visit... I miss you so much.... love, mom

  2. I love pictures of wee Jacquie. And current Jacquie. You're just great :)

  3. Aw. Miss you schnookums. What a holy hell of a lot you squeezed into your CT/NYC visit. What a lot of luncheon! What a lot of bruncheon! What a lot of drinkie-poos!

    So happy to be a part of it all. Thanks for breaking up our endless winter and bringing some of your own personal San Diego sunshine with you.

    You da bomb dot com.


  4. Love all these pix, Jacq! What a great visit. I miss you! xo

  5. Great batch o' photos. My personal two favorites - pink dumplings and that summer photo of you and Yobo. Unbearable cuteness!

