Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Compare and Contrast

It is lush and verdant and fecund around here. The weather has been perfect for growing.

You know the drill: sun, rain, sun, rain, sun, rain  . . . .

As a result, everything around here looks like this:

 It's all so cute and fresh and new . . .

 . . . the tomatoes are cute and fresh and new . . .

 . . . the Rose of Sharon is cute and fresh and new . . .

 Ol' Yeller is healthy and moist and dewey . . .

 . . . as is her friend Purpley.

 Rosie is out of her mind, popping blossoms and new growth . . .

The jalapeƱos are practically jumping out of their pots, in their eagerness to be awesome . . .

. . . as is the basil . . .

. . . as are the habaneros.

And Tall Tomato?

She is very eager to please, so early in the season.

It's all fabulous and fantastic and grand. But what I'm interested in is how all our little friends here fare in the Dog Days of summer. When it's hot, and water is scarce, and their pots contain more roots than dirt. Then we'll know what's what. Then we'll see who's who. Then we'll know who rocks the garden.

Then, hopefully, we'll have tomatoes.


  1. I identify with the jalapenos in this post, I too am eager to be awesome, lol!

    So verdant! So lovely!


  2. It's all so gorgeous! I need to bite it. Hopefully I'll be sending my proxy :)

