Friday, September 12, 2014

The Best Seat in Rhode Island

I had a birthday last weekend and Mistah and I had ourselves A Time.

Why wouldn't we?

We took ol' Westy out to Rhode Island to a campground with a lot more peeps around than this photo shows . . .

We had a lake . . .

. . . but we headed straight to the beach with our New London grinders.

. . . It was like July in September . . .

. . . and we watched ferries were sister-cousins to our ferries, but not our ferries . . .

. . . and then Mistah Schleckah took approximately 7,438 photos of me on the beach.

Seriously. There are 7,433 more of them.

And THEN, we went out for food and drink . . .

. . . of course we did.

Why wouldn't we?

We were celebrating.

Not only did I turn 51 . . .

. . . not only did we eat great food and drink fabulous cocktails . . .

. . . but we had The Best Seat in Rhode Island.


  1. Beautiful Ellie......xoxo mom

  2. Wow, excellent birthday! You are a beauty, Ellie. No wonder Mistah took 7,438 photos of you!

    And that scarf? Ah-may-zing! And that best seat in rhode island? equally ah-may-zing ;)


  3. 51 looks great on you, Ellie! Miss you.

  4. of course you had drinks and was the 30th anniversary of your 21st birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  5. You are a gorgeous and lovely specimen of human. Has anyone ever told you that before? You really are. Come here.

