Monday, January 12, 2015

monday keeps coming

 I did a search for old blog posts with the word "Monday" in the title, and came across this gem:

Monday, December 14, 2009

monday mumbojumbo

So, I was supposed to attend a very cute girl's first birthday party this weekend, and had the notion that the blog fodder would be abundant. But as luck would have it, there was a puker in the birthday hizzle, and while the party can be postponed, the blog post can not!

What I do have is a couple of random photos and expressions for your amusement.

This is how I feel when it rains and rains and rains and rains:
And this is how I feel when it finally stops:

I've been working on the Christmas cards that evolved from the beach outing pictured above, and I've written about half of the stack so far.
I'm proud to report that I've only written the year wrong on four.
So far.
With a sharpie.
Here are some of the many runners up for the prestigious Christmas card photo:

They love each other.

This is a hocus-pocus, fingers crossed, pretty please measure to ward off the piggie flu before vacation:

Finally, a seasonal message from Skinny Santa:
Peace, out.


  1. Peace out, skinny Santa!

    Your chitlins were so tiny and cute and wee and not teens! I scarcely remember those days. The visual reminder is nice.

    Happy, wet Monday to you, J!


  2. Peace out is right. So he finally got that Santa suit! Did he get the big empty box? To live in down by the river?

