Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Uncle Merv in the snow

My boy's 16th birthday coincided with a weekend invitation to Big Bear.

Wait, what? SIXTEEN?!

I know.

Anyway, we jumped at the chance to do something fun and different in celebration of life, happiness, and getting really really really really old.

What do you get when you mix four families, several guests, one birthday, a snowstorm, a mountain, a house full of tchotchkes, a heated toilet seat..... um. Wait, what was I talking about? Does anyone understand Uncle Merv's meanderings? Let's just roll the film:

We were in charge of dinner the first night, in the form of self made pizzas and birthday desserts. I made a lasagne, but didn't quite calculate the thawing time correctly what with the frigid tundra and all. It was a delightful midnight snack, and the pizzas were rockin. 

The house was three stories of fun. I haven't gone up and down so many stairs since 'nam.

After dinner, we called the birthday boy out from his lair to be serenaded

and generously gifted

And observed

The next morning, men made meat

then we headed out into the D A Y

yeah baby
Bill and the kids jumped into a lesson while I guarded the lodge. It was hard to be the inactive one, but I opted to save a few bucks and be the contact person for peeps coming up and down the mountain. I also could not fathom the idea of trying to find another single item of freaking snow gear  without going completely and irrevocably mental. 

So I hung out and took about 800 photos just like this one

Maybe those are my peep in their lesson? I have no idea

Maybe I am related to some of the legs hanging down from the lift? I'm sure I know somebody on that mountain.  

Hey, I know this guy!

and these guys

and these fine folks! 

the breaks were my favorite
The next morning, we woke to a view we had not yet seen because we were all stuck in the clouds


We could actually see the buildings in downtown LA
then it got stormy again - a different kind of spectacle, equally beautiful
The house was something...more about that next time

the snow was pristine

treehouse par-tay

love these girls

The branches were so cold and perfect and inviting yet not. I couldn't stop photographing them

Becky thought they made her look smart

Whoa, she must be a genius!
Others were more smart in style

album cover?

This is how the view looked the rest of our time up there

The Group Photo That Noone Wanted to Take. Except for me, who forced and cajoled even the smallest barefoot people into participation. 

And finally, but most notably:
It wouldn't be snow without a snowdude, right? 


  1. Looks like such a fun time, Jacq. What a great-looking group! And it's so cute seeing you SoCal people in the snow! xo

  2. Ha, I know, the Eastcoast bros must think you crazy for actively seeking out snow. (I know I do! ha.)

    Looks like a fabulous house! Wow. And the company? Well I know you guys had a LOT of fun. That's what you people do.

    And the album cover. Yes, it should be! I am in love with your boy's friend's coat. I want one.

    Love, love, love those girl's winter barefeet. You can take the girl out of San Diego, but you can't take the San Diego out of the girl....

    Can't wait for the next installment!

    Happy belated to your boy-man!


  3. What a fun weekend and birthday for your boy! But 16?! WHAT????!?

  4. This is *fabulous*! I love these photos so much -- little barefoot Ms. C., Ryan in his, um, coat, all that snow, the trees, but most of all, all you gorgeous peeps who have been friends with eachother for such a long time now.

    I love this. I can't believe how close you live to the likes of this. Downtown L.A. in the distance? Blow my tiny little mind.

    Great one, Jacquie. Look forward to more!

