Monday, June 29, 2015

Searching for Mookie

Rumor had it that my favorite Met was signing autographs at the Mets Plaza at Citi Field yesterday, so we raced right over to try to find him.

Mookie? Are you down there?

We searched high and low, but we couldn't find him.

We found Jackie Robinson's number . . .

. . . and we found some rain . . .

. . . and we found another Ellie . . . 

. . . it was an Ellie love-fest.

Every day is an Ellie love-fest.

I carried everybody's* Lucas Duda Growth Charts, which filled out my Mets back-a-pack nicely.

(*I still have people's; call me)

Hey! We found a sister!

Holy Moses do I love a sister.

And we found some bus-mates . . .

But mostly, we searched for Mookie. Kathleen and I even left a spot for him . . .

. . . which Mistah filled in nicely . . .

. . . and Johnny Slips kept us in good spirits . . . 

But yet . . . 

. . . and still . . . 

I search for Mookie.


  1. That was such a fun day yesterday! And who did Mark & I see when we got off the subway? Mookie!! xoxo

  2. Oh my gosh, you never found him? that is a sad, sad story. I love your bag, though!


  3. I get that you're looking for Mookie, but I can't get past Lucas Duda Growth Charts...what does that even mean?

    Looks like you all had plenty o' fun without Mookie filling your spot.


  4. My Mom asked the same thing, Beth. If *only* we had taken a photo of one. So I'm posting a photo on my fb page -- they are pure awesome.

