Monday, August 10, 2015

The Beach

We have a great beach around here, as I may or may not have mentioned 5,000 times.

But we also have a beach beach, an ocean beach, right down the road in the diminutive yet fierce state of Rhode Island, 20 miles from our door.

And our friend Christine kindly rents a cottage at the beach where every year we take it upon ourselves to crash, and camp in her driveway . . .

 . . . isn't she nice to let us do so?

. . . isn't she the best?

We spent our time in Misquamicut on the beach, in the waves. And I must tell you people. I have  been body surfing those Atlantic Ocean waves most of my life, but this was the day that I'll sit on my rocker, in my golden twilight years, talking about. I *killed* the waves that day. I was on fiyah.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch . . .

 . . . some serious braiding was going on. Jeanne braided everybody's hair in sight . . .

. . . but being the competitive braider that I am, I found the one head of unbraided hair, and joined in the fun.

Braids Extravaganza.

It was such a fun couple of days . . . 

. . . and I made last year's book!

We get to watch these kids grow up right in front of our eyeballs, year after year . . .

Love the 'Squam.


  1. That is a very popular beach!! Look at all the humanity. With all of their colorful umbrellas.

    Need to see your on-fiyah body surfing photos, girl! Please tell me Mistah was there with his magical camera?!


  2. Beth, I meant to include a sentence about "Oh, the humanity." Whoopsie!

    All of America was there that day, and it was a blast.


  3. What fun! love the braiding olympics. the beach humanity is a bit overwhelming, but what a gorgeous spot and perfect day! yay for everyone

