Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Todos Santos

I have no incredible tree porn to share. Although some trees around here are finally turning, and our weather has finally become fall-like, at least some days, San Diego cannot compete with New London when it comes to autumnal colors.

And although it could compete with Todos Santos for gorgeous beach shots, this is not a competition, I'm just going to share some glimpses of Todos Santos and its surrounding sea side.

The girls and I traveled there in late August, and stayed almost completely gratis in exchange for some travel writing, which I am just starting on now. Time to pay up. And to look back and remember our incredible good fortune.

Our room

Our room's balcony
Our room's bathroom's bathtub, and, yes, we did use it, although we did not see her in it.

Hotel rooftop restaurant

At sunset
Hotel rooftop swimming pool

At sunset
But our favorite spots were the hotel's close-by beach club, and the off-site restaurant perched a top a big hill with views forever.

El Faro Beach Club, home of great mixed drinks and amazing fish tacos. Yes, I ate them. More than once.

Hi girls!

El Mirador Restaurant, where we were invited for free wine, apps and dessert.

Not tree porn, but not bad.


  1. Holy crap, that looks amazing. I'd write anything for anyone to get perks like that! lucky girl =)


  2. What beauties! What a place! Please, please please take me nexrtime😎
    Love, Mom
