Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Follow the signs

I have been feeling a bit frazzled lately. Time poor and rushed and sometimes a wee bit overwhelmed. Don't get me wrong, I've brought this on myself. And I know it. And I'm working on it.

But wow, I'm really learning a lot. Warp-speed style. And I'm more-often-than-not super energized and excited about life. It sure is uber full right now.

Luckily for me, in the midst of my self-created over-extension and moments of doubt, I've been getting the most amazing (aka, amasing) messages from my kids.

This one cuts right to the chase.

This might be a tiny bit of a stretch, but coming home to this late night one night recently was quite the treat. (Yes, you know the pun was intended.)

Translation: Life is amazing do you know how lucky you are? (Not sure where she was going with the last line.)

Handed to my by youngest while working on my computer. No translation needed.


  1. They are the best! And we all love you so much and support your crazy right now life.
    Love, Mom

  2. Aw. All the *love* from all the little mini-philosophers!

    They're amasing. And so are you.


  3. hmm...those are not the kind of affirmations I get around here. Maybe I need to add a little of your "crazy" to my life!
