Monday, September 12, 2016


The habaneros.

Some people *grow* habaneros . . .

. . . other people? Like us? . . .

. . . habaneros take over our lives.

It's all my fault . . .

. . . when I was asked, "Do you want regular or Caribbean habaneros?" I replied . . .

. . . "Oh, I don't know . . . I guess both?"

 And then?

Well, the "and then" part is obvious to anybody who knows the likes of us who live in southeastern Connecticut in the summer . . .

If there are veggies . . .

. . . then the the veggies get grilled . . .

. . . and then they get cuisinarted . . .

. . . and then they get hot-sauced.

 (Sorry. I ate all the hot sauce before I could take a photo of it. But here's a photo of The Field.)

What's that?? How are things in The Field, you ask?

Why, things in the Field are good . . .

. . . spectacularly good.

Habanero-esquely good.


  1. Ellie you are a riot! I especially rolled on the floor laughing out loud at your photo for the hot sauce! Xo

  2. Hahaha, me too.

    Okay, not really.

    But I did appreciate all the gorgeous photos. Southeastern Connecticut in the summer = bountiful.


  3. Next time, please send me a jar before you fail to take a photo of it and eat it all up.

  4. Yum and awwww to everything! The field looks lovely, and the peppers are simply to die for! I am also rolling around on the floor laughing.

