Monday, January 13, 2020


This has been one hell of a crazy January.

The Movie Fest is on, the weather is weirdly warm, "the holidays" are over but we still have presents for peoples . . .

. . . and yesterday Mistah said to me, look at that -- that is unprecedented:

. . . we still have our Christmas Tree out on the deck, but the doors are open like it's summer . . .

And in the meantime . . . 

I was going four-for-four for movies this weekend, and so was Kat. Because, people? The Garde. Kat picked me up the exact second Bruce came by for his long-overdue Christmas present . . . the exact moment Dorothy and Jim were having a drink with us on the deck. In January.

"Let's take a photo!" we said, "It'll be fun!" we said . . .

. . . and oh it was.

Man, my friends are gorgeous. Man, the movies are good.

And people, please. For the love of godssake, Throw away your Teflon.

The End.

1 comment:

  1. I again can not stress enough how I LOVE YOUR POSTS! You make me smile, and mostly, you make me laugh. I am so blessed to call you my friend, thank you for your lovely "me and you and Ellie" blog!!!!

    It was wonderful to see you this weekend, as many times as I did! Enjoy your day, every second, every minute, see you soon!

