Monday, January 27, 2020

Hygienic XLI

It started, as all good things do, with a world class bruncheon at a world class place . . .

. . . oh wait . . . that's our world class place.

It was a beautiful day and anther January day on the deck -- climate change, anyone? -- and our favorite Hebronians were in town and we had ourselves a *time*.

Those very selfsame Hebronites joined us at the XLI Hygienic Art Show, and you know how much I love Roman Numerals.

Wait a minute, that's not New London . . .

. . . oh, there she is . . .

. . . oh! And there he is . . .

 Dorothy's piece is called "Pageant Winner". I know right?!

Isn't she beautiful?

. . . and isn't she?

Oh, there's our beautiful Whaling City . . .

. . . and maybe she's in there somewhere too . . .

. . .  or here? . . .

But not here.

It was a gorgeous show . . .

. . . and we were thrilled to have our peeps, near and far, around and about.

Ledgie, as always, represented.

The Whaling City, my friends . . .

. . . visited by our favorite Hebronitians . . .

. . . with whom we will continue to have ourselves a Time as long as we are all standing.

1 comment:

  1. Love this! I ESPECIALLY love the long-STANDING friendship that goes way back. There is nothing like a "old" true-blue friend, who cherishes you, who knows you through and through (and loves you anyway?) lol - - I miss those friends of mine sooo much, and I pray that your friendship will go on and on and on until you are NOT standing any longer, and don't know the difference.
