Monday, June 22, 2020

"Can we talk about your garden?"

My lovely and delightful cousin Mary Mac and I were emailing, as we do, about books -- what we're reading / what we've read / what we are going to read -- and about family . . . but in her note the other day she said to me . . . "Can we talk about your garden?"

Why, yes. Yes, we can. We can talk about our garden All The Day.

 Being out there is like watching a show, I told her.

 The mountain laurel is busting out . . .

. . .  the tiger lilies are off the charts . . .

. . . the hydrangea is about to go nuts . . .

. . . the evening primrose? Don't even get me started . . .

. . . and its friend ol' spiderwort has given us quite a show this
Spring . . .

And these? . . .

. . . And these?

And these? Holy Moly.

And don't forget about pinkie . . .

. . . or the habaneros . . .

We are so lucky and so thankful to have this bounty. We are so lucky and so thankful to live here. And we are so lucky and so thankful to be so lucky and so thankful.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Thanks for talking about your garden, Ellie!!
    It is a spectacular show❤️ Mary
