Monday, August 24, 2020

"Stroll Through"

What can I say? Entertainment is hard to come by these days, but also it's everywhere. And also it's free.

We were out in the Gahden in the Field the other day, admiring the new color of our hydrangeas, and Mistah was Playing with Photography, as per, and said, "Stroll Through!"

"Who me?"

"Oh, I'll stroll through, all right . . . "

"I will stroll right on through."

"I will stroll like nobody's business . . . "

"I will stroll until the cows come right on home . . . "

"Stroll will I . . . "

"Stroll I will."

"Oh hello!"

"Well, that was fun . . . "

"Thanks for the stroll."

1 comment:

  1. I miss that beautiful Field this summer, so lovely....
