Monday, April 25, 2022

Parentals, Redux

I've been feeling the presence and the loss of Dad almost as much as the presence and the loss of Mom these days, and I thought it was a perfect opportunity for a little Look Back . . . a Look Back with Love . . . 

MONDAY, JULY 31, 2017


These two.

Julie flipped through old photo albums this weekend during her fiery swath through Connecticut, and we couldn't help notice a theme developing . . .

These two.

 Mom and Dad.

There were many photos, there were many meals -- oh, the meals -- there were many drinkie-poos, there were home movies and a visit to the Old Homestead but that is a topic for another day . . . and there were many, many photos of our Mom and Dad.

They had a Thing, these two.

A Thing for the Ages.

Irish? And Lebanese?

Bring it on.

The mixture of those ethnicities and their love and strength and warmth and humor and passion and intelligence and joie de vivre just worked. Really well. For decades and decades.

We were less than a full contingent this weekend -- we desperately missed our #s 2 and 6 -- but we were a quorum, and had enough members to study the results of this Irish and Lebanese lovefest our parents built over nearly 60 years . . .

I'd call it a smashing success.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. How fortunate you were to have such wonderful parents!
