Monday, May 23, 2022

Roll With It

 You never know what Life has in store for you . . . 

. . . so you roll with it.

When your sisters send you plants . . . 

. . . you plant them in the ground.

When Nancy gives you a gorgeous orchid for Christmas . . . 

. . . you bring it outside for some sun.

When a rouge band of bees builds a new hive . . . 

. . . you watch Science in action.

When you bring Big Cacti out for the season . . . 

. . . you give your kitchen floor the rock-'n'-roll dance party treatment.

And when your lovely eldest sister is in town and it's a spectacular 80-degree May afternoon . . . 

. . . you know what to do.


  1. Lovely on all counts! Except Mar looks a lot like Bill in that last shot.

  2. I promise she's there! My selfie prow-ass leaves a lot to be desired.

