Tuesday, September 2, 2008


It was a dark and stormy night.

Wait a minute. No it wasn’t. Last night was a gorgeous, clear, warm, perfect summer night.

I was drinking dark and stormys.

About 18 too many of them, by the feel of things today.

Anyway. It was a spectacular Labor Day and Labor Day weekend around these parts, with a party every day and loads of friends and great food and delicious beverages. And the highlight of the weekend was the annual Reducers show at Ocean Beach on Saturday.

That day, actually, was overcast, and the fog rolled in crazily, which lent the show an added element of Wow.
My girl Sweet Jennie was there. Of course she was. Everybody was there.

Jennie wore her Dancin' Shoes. Naturally.

The show’s great because it’s right on the boardwalk of the beach.

So you can drink at the bar,

Or you can dance.

Or, if you’re me, you can bring your own margaritas and drink and dance simultaneously.

These guys have been at it for 30 years. My friend Rick wrote a wonderful, long, in-depth story about these guys in the local paper, and I don't know how long you can read it online before you have to pay for it (as IF), but it's there now, and it's great.

The gist of Rick's story is that they're really good. And fun. Which, of course, everbody who's been going to Reducers shows for years already knows.

After all these years, the peeps still come out in droves and dance like crazy loons.

This year's show featured the next generation of Reducers fans, dancing in front of Steve, who are young and fit and half naked and sweat a lot.

Oh, hello Petah!
Mistah kept sprinting back to the Westy (really!) to get the camera. There are a lot of weirdly-colored shots that looked great that night but not so much in the sober light of day.
I love Tommy's drumstick in this one, though. Not only is the man a drumming machine, he makes a mean grilled (like on his charcoal grill) pizza.

And Mistah nailed it with this shot of Hugh, with the spooky stage lights and swirling fog. Their next album cover, I'm thinking?
It was an awesome night and a rockin' show and every person at OB had a blast.

Rave on, boys.


  1. Once again fabulous pictures! I have never heard of the Reducers, but I'm always up for live music and beverages. Glad you had such a great weekend.

  2. You Corey girls sure do know how to celebrate Labor day: friends, good live music, and contraband alcohol. Gotta love it. (And you gotta love that close-up shot of Hugh, it IS awesome, and SHOULD be their next album cover.)

  3. very cool photos, looks like another great time in OB!

  4. Sounds fantastically better than my own subdued Labor Day weekend.

  5. Labour Day seems to be a big hoopla-fest in the US and here it’s just a day to veg-out before going back to work the next day. I feel totally ripped off.

  6. Looks like loads of fun and once again I'm jealous! Good for you, though, and of course awesome pictures.

  7. Ellie, I was there, as usual, but you didn't get any of my pictures posted. What's with that? OK, let me borrow your Westy and a few gallons of vodka for the next 18 months and all will be forgiven.

  8. That looks like so much fun!
    We've been downsized to the kiddie variety these days.
    We're actually supposed to go to a concert in the middle of Sept. but I may have to forfeit because it's all day and, well, babysitting. But in a few years, we will be that family with the aging parents,(us) and the pre-teen boys, at all the rock shows.
    Thanks for letting us live vicariously!

  9. Love the dancing shoes! I've never heard of the Reducers. I'll look them up!

  10. First, thanks for your bloggy love on my brother, WeithKick's blog. We really appreciate it..

    Fun weekend..Love your blog..Will be back..

  11. What sneakers? Bossy was kind of distracted by The Musicians.

  12. OH!! Man, did we dance or what???
    So happy to have worn my dancin' shoes!!! :-)
