Tuesday, August 30, 2011

summer stream of photo consciousness

I looked through the contents of my camera card yesterday, and the whirlwind of summer flashed before my eyes. With only a few days remaining before the kids go back to school (cue angel choir), there is still so much I haven't told you about!

Clicking through those photos was a trip down a lane of moments, all strangely spliced together into some sort of asymmetrical documentation of a summer well lived. 

There were countless photos from random beach days
There were photos of impressive holes and tunnels in the sand, and my girl giving me that look

There were great photos of a dance party at our family reunion 

And photos that captured favorite moments from days at the races

There were photos of conversations on the ferris wheel
A well timed snag of this speedy moment

There were lovely, as of yet unshared photos on my camera from our trip back east

Like this classic. This treasure.
And this whole story has yet to be told! Hi Jennie!

There were some excellent recent moments on the camera, too. 

That's my boy back there!

And look who went next! The one with the look
I had fun perusing these adventures through my little camera window.  I also had terrible pangs of regret for the untelling of so many stories, what with this perfect platform from which to do just that. But the pictures tell a bit of the story, and now they are out there in the ether to perhaps inspire a narrative for another day.

Of course, there was no shortage of godawful photos on that camera card. The almost-moments.  

Like the almost action shot in the batting cage

And the almost-moment of capturing my two kids looking particularly gorgeous. This one looked away
This one closed the blue eyes I was aiming to catch
There are some photos that are bursting with fodder. He's driving the boat! With his eyes closed. And a cocktail.
And here's where I discovered how to use the front camera on my phone for self portraits! Aren't I good at it?
The look.


It's been a really good summer.


  1. What a happy summer! So much sun, so much beach, so much water, so many smiling faces, so many *looks*.

    *Love* that photo of me at the Dutch -- your boy and girl are in it too!

    Here's to summer lasting until Columbus Day......


  2. Oh no, just lost my comment somehow. Time to start over....

    Love the summer photo post -- great idea (...that I might have to steal).

    You have visual proof of a well lived, fun, fun summer season. You got your proverbial money's worth it appears :-)

    and that photo of Ellie in the Dutch window? Love, love, love it too.

