Monday, July 20, 2015

A Race To The Finish

The week before Sailfest I boldly exclaimed "Big Cacti and Cacti Corey are in a race to the finish to see who's going to blossom first this summer. It's going to be epic around here."

You know who I'm talking about, right? Big Cacti and Cacti Corey. Two of our favorite children from odd backgrounds who continually try do outdo eachother with their exponential growth, and their respective perfect pink flowers.

July 8
This year Big Cacti started out strong . . .

July 8

. . . with blossoms #1 and #2 . . .

July 8
. . .  but look at Cacti Corey go . . .

July 14

. . . ready to pop one out . . .

July 14

. . . oooh she's popping out!

July 15

Cacti Corey #1!

July 17

Annnnnnd Cacti Corey #1 and #2. Can you stand how gorgeous?

July 18

But wait, Big Cacti will not be denied . . .

July 18

Big Cacti? Did you hear me? Will you not be denied??

July 18

Big Cacti's blossom #3 is on his back side, and is a night-bloomah this time around. Who knew?

July 19

Oh but look, Cacti Corey is trying to take over the lead, with the sheer brilliance of her #2. . .

I thought we'd have a clear winner by now, almost two weeks later, but they're both still going strong.

There's a reason we never leave our deck.


  1. Many reasons.

    My vote is for Cacti Corey; those blooms are Ah-may-zing!!

    Look forward to seeing how it all plays out.


  2. Oh dear. Them's fighting words for Big Cacti.....



  3. I was there the day Cacti Corey blossomed, she's adorable....xoxo mom
