Monday, July 6, 2015

Scenes from So Far

Summer is fleeting around these parts, and although we try to wring every moment of love out of every moment of time, it still screams by in a flash.

When I was a kid I said to my Dad, "This summer went by so fast!" He said to me, "Wait 'til you turn 40 . . . "

I think that doubles after you turn 50, Dad . . .

Anyway. It's good. It's great. It's awesome. It's summer. It's still early. And it's still not nearly warm enough, and it's all still to come, but here's what we've got, so far........

Urban growth . . .

. . . friends on the porch . . .

. . . and friends on the deck . . .

. . . always . . .

 . . . forever . . .

. . . the friends on the deck.

Green Growth . . .

. . . and beautiful skies.

Because even though we're still waiting for steamy weather, it's Summer.

A cool ride . . .

. . . and the most adorable neighbor in the history of recorded time . . .

. . . and our front porch.

And our garden!

Oh how our garden grows . . .

Our garden has grown multitudiful* since this photo was taken.

(*Totally should be a word. )

And the beach. Our beloved Ocean Beach . . .

OB 75, baby . . .

OB could not have done it without Ledgie.

And perhaps most importantly of all?

My peoples? The Paloma.

Happy Summer.


  1. Oh my goodness. You...your deck...the Palomas...All sooooo good. Thank you! and here's to a beautiful rest of summer :-)

  2. Looks so lovely and summery and welcoming. Your deck is gorgeous, as are you! And I know to you'll do your bestest to wring every moment of love out of every moment of time all summer long! xoxoxox


  3. Love infinitely! I miss that smiling face of yours.

