Monday, July 27, 2015

Wish You Were Here

I wish you were here this summer.

I wish you were here with us at Ocean Beach:

It's quite spectacular.

I also wish you were here . . . 

. . . to spy on weddings with us.

Spying on weddings is fun; you'd love it.

I wish you were here for all the fun at Ocean Beach, because the fun never stops.

I wish you were here for the Farmers' Market . . .

. . . because? The Farmers' Market. And Cara.

I wish you were here for the Eugene O'Neill Theater Center . . .

. . . and the Waterford Beach concert nights . . . hey! There's Victoria!

I wish you were here on my deck  . . .

. . . well, if you can get by the flora.

. . . and if you can get by the flora, I wish you were here for the meals.

But most of all, I wish you were here For those quintessential Mistah Schleckah moments:

Wish You Were Here.


  1. Dang, you make summer on CT look so amazing. But then, I'm quite sure it IS amazing! Enjoy it all...the beach the farmer's market, the theater, the concert nights and of course, the DECK!

    That photo of Ledgie in this post? Prize winnah!! Love.


  2. Oh man, so wish I were there.

  3. Ok it looks good there, but what about HERE?! it's time to address your abandonment of this lovely left coast.

    Love you, sister. Great photos, mister.

