Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hygienic XXX

This past weekend was the 30th annual Hygienic Art Show. That's what the XXX stands for; that's not the rating.

Although it could be.

It's an odd name for an art show, obviously. And an odder name for a restaurant, which is what the building was, originally. But that's what the restaurant was called, and years after it closed, it was slated to be demolished and turned into a parking lot.
Local citizens heroes stepped in, though, and not only raised a million dollars to save the building, they turned it into a coop, an art gallery, complete with 8 resident artists, and built the instantly iconoclastic Hygienic Art Park, where bands play and movies are shown all summer long . . .
Once a year, though, the Art Show is the Hygienic's signature event. Which Mistah and I went to for the first time in 8 years. Since we're here, in Connecticut, this winter.

Hygienic xxx. The same rules for 30 years: No Judging. No Jury. No Fees. No Censorship. Plus, you gotta love those Roman Numerals . . .

It was a beautiful day in New London on Saturday, and our friend Dorothy came down with her husband Jim-Jim, and her granddaughter Gracie, to hang her art . . .

Dorothy is a wonderful, talented, established artist, and Gracie is following in her Mimi's footsteps.
This is Dorothy's entry. We have an original ink-and-watercolor Dorothy gave us for our wedding present. Plus 12 framed, watercolor, incredible postcards which shall be addressed at a later date.....
Ah, New London on a sunny Saturday . . .

. . . wait a second . . .

Hygienic xxx. The Art:

This is Mistah's entry. Which you can't see. The one on the right. Keys Night. Not the Key West Drag Queen on its left. Although she, clearly, fit right in . . .

. . . because this whole "No Censorship" thing makes for a lot of racy stuff. A lot of nudes. A lot of boobs. A lot of penises. And Mistah Schleckah took a photo, I think, of every one.

A lot of it is just interesting, wacky, New London- or lobster-based art, though. Let's take a look, shall we?

There's Mistah, in the mirror.

My favorite: "Jamaica Rum Bottles"
Okay, here's a nude we can include . . .

These are BNC connectors, as this guy told me: Boy Nancy Charlie.

"Jesus and His Peeps"

Our friend John Lamar's "Detritus 2008"

There's Mistah again . . . and that ring around the mirror is exactly what you think it is.

There were tons of bands that night, too. Which we don't have photos of. But they've been well documented.
There was also a drag show that night . . .
. . . which was a big hit.
And there was beer. And lots of it. And I, naturally, had to get back there to show those guys how it was done. They were lost without me. I poured beer for hours . . .

. . . and hours . . .

. . . and hours. And had some help from Dawn (earlier), Jim the Drag Queen himself (sans dress and wig), and Owen.
But mostly, for us at least, the night was about the art.

And if you live in New London, that means the Hygienic's ubiquitous lobster . . .

. . . and its iconic Ledge Light.


  1. That's some fine art! It's great that you can take photos...most places where I can see art get crazy if I try to take pictures. I can't decide on my favorite. I'll have to look again. Maybe I can convince my favorite wife to go to Hygienic XXXI.

  2. Well you didn't pour a beer for ME, Ellie. Geez!

    The art show truly did look like a lot of fun. My favorite is the nude. I love it. I also really dig the brick building with the word 'thrill' written on it. I guess that says something about my taste in art. Not sure what, but something.


  3. What Fun! I love Jesus and His Peeps... what a great sense of humor someone had on that entry.

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  4. Beth, that building is a downtown New London building -- you *do* have good taste. In nudes, too.

    And Di, there was another variation on "The Last Supper" -- a print of Leonardo's original, with superimposed images of muffins and bagels and donuts, called "The Last Brunch".


  5. What fun! I assume these were for sale? Did you sell and/or buy anything? I love that one of New London on a sunny Saturday and the nude and the Ledge Light and almost everything else.

  6. Lovely, lovely art. And lol at you showing them how it's done with the beer pouring... brings back memories of a visit to UCONN, back when the drinking age was 14 ;)


  7. that was SO damn cool!!!

    Next time I'm in Mystic (june) we should get together!!!

  8. I know, Jacquie! I've got to tell you, I thought about you more than once that night. Of course, Saturday night I was leaning over the counter, grabbing my customers with uncontainable love, which would have been even more suspect that night at UConn, when the drinking age was, well, very, very, happily low...


  9. Wait,why are my shoes in that collection? Also? Who painted that nude pic of me...bc my abs TOTALLY look like that. Oh...yeah...that was 20 years ago. Pfft.

    Looks like you had fun...what a great night!

  10. Great pictures, but I think Jesus and his peeps is my hands down favorite!
