Dodgers vs. Phillies?Could there
be a more loathsome matchup?
Further to this
weekend’s 3-way, I feel compelled to address
baseball again because I am so disgusted by this National League Championship Series. Dodgers? Phillies? Could you
please give me a break?
Of course, the baseball season ended for me last weekend.

I brought my, um, portable radio with me, and was listening to the
Mets vs. Marlins game, the
162nd game of the season, which the Mets needed to win to force a playoff game against the Brewers (who were concurrently playing the Cubs) the next day.
The Park's artwork is
operatic in its beauty, and quite a constast to a pedestrian ballgame.
Jennie and
Paul – both Red Sox fans, but nice people anyway – joined me.

Jennie was
very upset about the Mets – but she took comfort in the grape.
The bands were awesome. You can sit and watch, or you can pretend they’re background music for yakking . . .

. . . or listening to a ballgame.
Dawn –
another Red Sox fan – joined us for some Mets rooting. And Jennie, well, Jennie needed a
lot of comforting.

The Brewers won their game against the Cubs (
and look what happened to them) and I was
hoping the Mets could do it. I
really thought they could do it.
Please, Mets, you can do it. Can’t you do it?! 
They couldn’t do it.
Ellie, you are dead to me - the White Sox?!? :)
Since the Twins are out, I'm rooting for the Devil Rays, only because they have a few former Twins on the roster.
For the NL, I don't care enough about any of them. If I had to choose, probably the Phillies, because I don't like Manny of the Dodgers.
The Phillies? Pickles and Dimes, you are dead to me.
Well, I *do* like the fact that you still call the Rays the Devil Rays -- that's what I call them too, even though they're the plain ol' "Rays" now. Very streamlined. Or something.
I wish there could have been a different outcome. At the end of it all, I did help to console you with that Cottrell. Of course, I would have helped you celebrate with a Cottrell, as well... You can always count on me. :-)
Ooof. Tough post to wake up to here in our Phillies/Dodgers household.
Woo Hoo. East coast here. Go Phils!
If I didn't like you so much, Lisa S and Heinous, I would *so* have to break up with you. BOTH of you.
Doesn't anyone realize that it's football season?
Oh dear, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Those photos are truly comical, you with the "portable" radio held to your ear, and your visible angst.
Give it up everyone...the Rays are so scrappy, so enthusiastic and so much fun, just get on board and enjoy it!
Assuming they prevail over the White Sox, I will be at a Playoff Game this weekend. Oh, and I will be basking in 85 degree weather beforehand.
Beth' Mom
If it makes you feel any better my Cubbies got swept by the Dodgers. Manny Ramirez is now officially on my sh*t list.
I feel your pain.
Ok, I don't exactly feel your pain. But I've felt something like it. For the past 20 years.
Go Dodgers!!!!!!!!!!!
Go Jays!! It’s still all we got.
I have an idea, Ellie. Let's just set aside our individual Mets/Giants (and the other 20+ other teams) disappointment, have some more wine/beer/vodka and/or peanuts and enjoy the other things about this post season.
Don't you love the "Phillies" logo on their home whites, with the two blue stars dotting the "i"s?
Isn't the Phillie Phanatic phunny? (Once when PD and I were there, Don King was in the front row and the Phanatic was relentless & hysterical - came out with a Don King wig on, etc.)
Isn't the new stadium lovely?
Won't it be nice for Lisa, Ted, et al, if they do well?
Dodgers (this is harder): Aren't you glad that Joe Torre got to the league championship, and the Yankees are watching on TV?
Um, MartyJoCo? No, no, no, no and no.
You people! The Phillies? The Dodgers? The Rays? The bloody Blue Jays??
Beth, what was that you said about football season?
Has everyone forgotten that the Red Sox are the reigning champions and the team to beat? Get over your sorry selves and get on the Boston bandwagon. GO SOX! Red, that is.
Oh, Um .. Uh .. yeah.. Madness knows SQUAT about baseball. But Madness still hearts Ellie to PIECES.
With that said ...
DONT get excited .. DONT throw out your Xanax.. Madness isnt totally back to life just yet .. Comcast STILL SUCKS BIG DICK and my PC internet, Playstation internet and PHONE internet are not yet living in perfect harmony ... ... ... ... get me more vodka .. STAT!
The ONLY thing keeping Madness from becoming the ONE who blew Comcast into tiny bits is the fact that she also has digital cable again so .. John and Kate Plus Eight are saving human kind as we know it. Although at this moment Madness is SKIPPING an all new episode of John and Kate Plus Eight because the PC is online for an OH SO RARE appearance and .. OH LOOK A KITTY! ...
Ellie, just dropping by to say hi. I don't do baseball, so...
Hey, NHL season starts soon!
Well, I am having a tough time with the ALCS - LOVE the Sox and have since I was a kid and you could get into Fenway to see a game for less than $10. BUT, lived in Tampa for a few years and sat thru many a losing game of the DEVIL Rays - but nonetheless, it was our home team for awhile so there's some loyalty there, too. Deep down - its the Sox for me, I guess. As for the NLCS, hope the Phillies win cuz I'm still pissed at Manny for his stupid antics and hope he never steps foot in Fenway again - he wasn't Manny being Manny - he was Manny being an a$$hole. Plus, World Series will be on East Coast time if Phillies win - I'm getting old and can't stay up to watch a west coast game.
I will always call the Rays the Devil Rays because I think it's so dumb now that they have that stupid sunburst on the front of their jerseys while the stingray is delegated to the sleeve. Like how fierce is a ray of sun? Oh no, melanoma!
Also, just "Rays" makes it sound like a team made up of 50-year-old orthodontists: Please welcome the Rays, everybody!
LOL -- you peeps are funny.
Good to hear from you, Chrissie! And you too, Mistah. Always a pleasure.
And now, everybody, Please welcome the Rays!
Oh Ellie.....I have never seen a person so disgruntled in such a beautiful place. iT's looks to me like you needed more wine!
My husband is a Dodgers fan. Please hold your tomatoes until after I have finished typing.
He's also an Angels fan. Guess you know how THAT turned out.
I was raised a Giants fan, back in the days of the Willies Mays and McCovey, Vida Blue, etc. It didn't stick. Love to have a game on in the background for the SOUND of baseball, but I have no allegiance, therefore no interest. (It won't be found in the Dodgers or the Angels, I can tell you that much.)
You may commence pelting me with tomatoes.
Oh, and I forgot to say? Your photos and commentary are FABULOUS. :)
Well, thank you, Foolery. Can I call you Foolery? I, too, love the sound of baseball in the background. Sometimes I realize I'm just listening to the SOUND and have no idea what the SCORE is...
And I am *so* using, "Please hold your tomatoes..."
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