Tuesday, April 28, 2009

so, where was I?

Last Wednesday night, I brought my laptop down to the pool to watch my kids frolic while I uploaded photos from the busy first two days of our trip to Phoenix. It took a while, but it was fun to play with the images of our fun in the sun. Sadly, the universe had to settle for a lame-ass non post when I could not manage an upload to the blog. Bastids.
So, play along with a little time warp, will ya? Pretend it's last Thursday, and that I'm still in hell Arizona.

March 23, 2009

We're in Arizona! It's farking H-O-T here, like a desert.

We've had a very full couple of days, and the words are few but the images are many:

We had some time to kill in the airport before our flight,

but once airborne the trip was so quick that we hardly had the chance to plow through our delectable snacks!

When we arrived at the hotel, we were very excited.

Some people got right to unpacking, while others were differently engaged

We explored every inch of the hotel, finding places to blend in with the art both inside

and out.

We topped it off with nighttime highballs cannonballs

Yesterday, the kids spent the day boosting the local economy with a sitter while I experienced the splendor of a windowless conference room.

But last night was quite special, because we had the rare pleasure of being whisked out of this downtown corporate name tag mecca to the 'burbs, where we enjoyed the hospitality of two of my cousins and their families.

These two clowns were our gallant chauffeurs, and I am the head cheerleader behind the campaign to get them a spot on the next Amazing Race.

The second cousins bonded like superglue over spaghetti and meatballs

and legos

and the most fantastic girl power.

Our generous and lovely hosts were a delight, and we had a thoroughly wonderful evening in their happy home, where the banner hangs all year round, just in case.

Thanks for the great time, AZ peeps! See you at Legoland?


Wasn't that fun? Thanks for playing along, universe. Hey, if you're into drama, fortune, vomit, hot rods, swarms, endangered species, and Alice Cooper, be sure to check back later in the week for highlights and lowlights from the rest of our week in 'zonie.


  1. Oh, how I love this! I love seeing my cousins, and I love all the second cousins' shots. I want to be in that ROOM with Sheila and Joe and John and Doug. What fun for you, Jacqueline. Can't wait for more. I'm so intrigued by all these highlights and lowlights you mention.....


  2. How cool to hook up with long-lost cousins in the H-O-T desert! (Love that girl power shot.)

    I look forward to more Arizona blog material, because there is more to AZ than Phoenix :-)


  3. I know: I, too, love the girl power shot (Bill and I last saw Mia was she was a tiny tot), and I love the Jacquie's-kids'reading-in-the-airport shot.

    I'm pulling hard for the Grand Canyon on Friday.....

