Friday, May 7, 2010

Lady luck

Last night was National Mom’s Night Out. Who knew, right? Well, Jacquie knew. She met the organizer of the San Diego event at her coming out party a few weeks ago. The very last night before the relentless consistency of weirdness set in….

Most of us know that Jacquie’s had a lot going on lately.

But last night? Well last night Jacquie rocked. Jacquie rocked the raffle.

Early on in the evening she purchased her tickets, filled in her name, chose the items she was interested in winning, and dropped those blue tickets in.

She then went about her merry way: socializing, noshing, drinking, etc.

When the start of the raffle was announced, Jacquie said to all at the table, “I bet I’ll just win the dumb stuff.”

Well, wasn’t she confident! We chided her a bit. “The dumb stuff? Geez, you should be so lucky!”

But lucky she was.

As the masseuse came up and whisked her off for a free few minutes of bliss, she looked over her shoulder and asked us to keep an ear out for her name being called.

And called it was. Over and over. And over.

And yes, the first time it was called, it was one of the less coveted items, the dumb stuff, if you will, but, hey, she won!! We ran it right over to her.

The next time her name was called -- Jacquie still bent over the massage chair -- we ran it over to her too.

Was she still enjoying her massage the third time her ticket was chosen? I’m not sure. But I’m fairly certain that the by the fourth time she was back at our table. The fifth time? Well by the fifth time her name was called she was feeling so lucky! guilty that she told them to go ahead and draw another name. (Wouldn’t you know it was the one item she really wanted?!?)

But the envious crowd was appreciative, and her generosity kept her safe. (There’s no telling what that angry mob would have done to her otherwise!)

Yes, Jacquie rocked the raffle.

And she deserves every ounce of good fortune the universe bestows upon her.

Good luck to you and your boy today, Jacquie! We're all thinking good thoughts.


  1. woohoo!! Congratulations! I really wanted to go last night but a head cold and unexpected parenting duties took over the week so I couldn't. SO glad you went and WON!

  2. sad to miss the night out holiday in PAMay 7, 2010 at 11:37 AM

    Where do I sign up to have her pick my Mega-Millions lotto numbers?!?

    I never win stuff and then I comment on those people who just keep on winning....

  3. It was an embarrassment of riches, I tell you what. That mob did get a little scary when my name kept getting called, didn't they? I loved waking the kids up with: "Guess how many prizes mommy won last night?" They're impressed.

    And BETH, being the rockstar friend that she is, emailed me a gift certificate today so I can get one of the sweet necklaces that I coveted but felt I could not accept! Thank you Beth, that was a good, good thing to receive today.

    feeling the love and also punchdrunk,


  4. Aw, jeez, you two. You are warming the very cockles of my heart. They are so warm they're about to bust wide open, those cockles.

    Glad you had fun, glad you won, glad you got together. Glad glad glad.

    Karma? Oh, I think so.


  5. Once, at a work-sponsored holiday party, they held a charity raffle. Hubs won a 30G iPod, AND a new Tom-Tom GPS! If his number had come up again, he was gonna pass the ticket on to keep from getting lynched in the parking lot!
