Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Oh Canada!

En route back to San Diego from Canada right now. Wow did Vancouver blow my mind. SUCH a gorgeous city!!

Here is the trip -- compressed into a few random photos....

Started out at the Reflection Room in the San Diego Airport

Arrived late afternoon in Vancouver and checked into my hotel -,where this was the view from my 20th story room. :)

Canadians, I came to find out, are *very* safety conscious. In my many years of setting up our small booth at the annual American Academy of Neurology meeting I have never had to don a safety vest...

First time for everything, I guess.

Kinda cute though, no?

OK, back to pretty scenery...

I definitely want a sea plane!

Stanley Park is featured in the next batch of photos. It was located maybe 10 blocks from my very urban hotel:

I know!!

Pretty amazing, right?

Fast forward to today - headed back home already....

Can't skip the yoga room a SFO though

Life is good, no doubt. 

Although I'll be happy to land at my very own casa tonight.


  1. Wow. I had no idea Vancouver was so beautiful. It is on my looooong list of places to see.
    We are all very glad to have you back.
    Love, Mom

  2. What a treat! Love this, so glad you had a lovely place to set up your safety conscious booth. Glad you're home, hope we can get together this weekend!

