Monday, September 21, 2020

The Equinox

The arrival of the Autumnal Equinox at 9:30 tomorrow morning makes me think back on Spring's Vernal Equinox, and the glorious span of time between the two -- the warmth and long days and sunny sunshine and the Summer Solstice right smack in the middle. Which all sped by, as it always does, way too quickly, even during this cuckoo-brain year.

The imminent Equinox makes me want to do a Look Back on that selfsame Summer -- I know the Look Back is typically a January thing, but who are we to say the year can't start on the last day of Summer?

Because it can. And it does.

Today, the Last Day of Summer:

(Okay, actually, this was yesterday, the penultimate day of summer)

Happy mid-September! It's gorgeous around here, around now. If you like that perfect-weather* sort of thing.

*I prefer hot and humid.

But anyway. The Yellow Flowers! They are abloom and they are spectacular.

August. I love August. I miss August.

July. I love July. I miss July.

June. I love June. Yeah . . . you get the picture.

Holy Moses May seems like a long time ago, doesn't it? 

Well, we've gone this far. Let's keep at it, why don't we.

April. Wait. When was the Vernal Equinox?

I just looked it up. It was March 19. Oh those March dafs . . . 

In February I sought out tall, not-quite-fleurs on the western coast.

Because why wouldn't I ? 

And in January? Well, apparently, in January we do all we can to bring Light and Life into our Lives. And into our homes.

And that is beautiful but why am I now looking at photos of January??

Okay, I'm calling it. 

There you have it. Twenty-Twenty -- so far -- in photos. 

My work here is done.

You're welcome.

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