Monday, March 30, 2020

And on it goes . . .

Let's start with this . . .

And move on to this . . .

Mistah took a photo to show Mom my fancy sleeves while we were talking on the phone Saturday afternoon . . . hey, if you can't get fancy for Saturday night, when can you get fancy?

And in the meantime, our favorite young friend turned two for pete's sake and we got to real facetime him . . .

. . . this is a screen shot, not a video. But let's face it, a video would barely be able to contain our vast talents anyway . . .

I think this happened on Saturday too -- Mistah squeezing lemon onto his smoked salmon.

Because, why should we suffer?

And this happened somewhere in there too; who can keep track?

And then Sunday morning happened and the Mithells made everything better . . .

That's My Girl Nancy . . .

. . . and that's Fresh Jonny's eyeball . . .

. . . and that's our girl Zozo . . .

. . . and that's Poopie.

We inexplicably did not take a photo while on with my godson and I'm sorry about that because we had a *lot* of facetime with that kid.
Hey dude. I mean, 'Sup, bro? And hello to the lovely Andrea too. We loved our Sunday morning together.

Here's the thing. The weather on Sunday was downright mean around these parts. The wind and the rain and the cold did not make it easy for the citizens of this planet -- we had to struggle to keep it together . . .

. . . and it's only us -- just we lowly, humble, unassuming peeps -- who have only ourselves and eachother to try to continue to keep it together.

I feel for all the peeps out there who are struggling through these days. It's hard to SPO. To Sustain Productivity and Optimism. But good God I'm trying. We've got to try, right?

Call your friends. Call your neighbors. Call us.

And when all else fails? Call your sister Jane to ask her the rules, go out to the Westy for a deck of cards, and then . . .

. . . play Crazy 8s.*

(*I won.)

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