Monday, February 21, 2022

Blog Ideas

I didn't have an idea for today, so I googled "blog ideas," and now I have a lot of ideas. 

• Self improvement / personal development (how you overcame some obstacle or started a new habit, and what you learned)

    Yeah, no.

• Health & fitness for busy people

    Yeah, no.

• Learning a new language

    No, I'm too dumb.

 Animal rescue

    I'm not a dog person.

• Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, etc.)


• Working in uncommon fields of expertise while location independent

    That's mumbo-jumbo corporate speak.

 Recipes for couples without children

    Recipes for what?

• Body-weight training

    Where's the interesting stuff?

• Disc golf

    Oh, there it isn't.

• How to be a good friend

    Be kind, duh.

• How to train for a triathlon

    Ohmygod, who wrote this list?

• Mind strengthening (mind over matter/ lucid dreaming)

    I dream vividly; I'll get back to you.

• Beyond the basics of personal financial management

    Don't spend more than you make.

• Healthy eating during times of stress

    Eat carrots.

• Ghost-hunting

    Why would you want to hunt a ghost?

• Self defense training (“for women” or “for children” or “for business executives”)

    Why "the parentheses"?

• Indie video game development

    Oh, *now* we're talking. Right up my alley. 

• Video game tactics shown through video tutorials

    I was kidding.

• Starting and running your own social network

    There are already enough.

• Point and shoot photography (how to create incredible photographs with your phone or whatever camera you have in your pocket)

    I'm a terrible photographist; talk to the Mistah.

• How to write an e-bestseller (documenting the process of creating an Amazon Kindle bestseller.)

    This has never happened.

• Rapid language learning for moving abroad

    See "I'm too dumb" above.

• How to become a better writer

    Read more.

• Modern vegan diets


• Urban commuting by bicycle

    I call it, simply, "riding my bike to work."

• Interior design on a budget

    Buy your friends' art.

• How to become a famous rockstar online

    Okay, finally a good one.

• Speaking in public (how to overcome the fear of the audience, minimal approaches to presentations, etc.)


 Learning the Ukulele and other less common instruments

    Oooh yes. I wanna learn.

• How to win arguments without losing friends

    Buy the house a round.

• Becoming a wine connoisseur or sommelier

    Make stuff up about vanilla and blueberries and hints of chocolate.

• Build a custom boat and cross the Pacific in it


 Getting good at tennis and qualifying for tournaments

    Watch King Richard instead.

• Windsurfing
• Stand-up paddle boarding

    But first get rich enough to afford the equipment

• End of the world prophecies throughout time
    Now this one I can get my head around. But first you'll need cardboard and a sharpie.

• Car maintenance for non-gearheads

    Okay fine, I like this one.

• Running a small agile business 

    Agile? Really?

• Inspired bootstrappers 

    I do need a new pair of boots.

Wow, now I have so many ideas . . . I think maybe two?

Okay everybody. Get out your tennis racquet, wax up your paddle board, and sharpen your sharpies. Let's get on our bikes and rescue doggies . . . and start blogging about it. 

And don't forget your golf frisbee.