Monday, February 28, 2022


Around these parts, it's Winter.

Winter is long and Winter is not always easy, but let's face it, Winter is part of Life. Around these parts at least. Although I used to hate winter with a deep abiding passion, well, now I accept it. Because for the love of pete's sake, what am I supposed to do? Wish my life away? 

I'm against that.

Plus? Outerwear.

Although I still don't own boots, I now have a parka.

  A Parka. With a capital P.

Winter is *all* about the outer layers, 'round these parts.

Hmm, some have cuter outerwear than others . . . 

. . . well, some are just cute no matter what.

See comment about "cute" above . . .

. . . ditto . . . 

. . . ditto redux.

Hey Mistah, where's your Parka?

There he is.

If it weren't for Winter we wouldn't have sap running . . .   

. . . and sugar flowing . . . 

. . . or whatever they call the monochromatic hocus pocus science nature witchcraft they do every year that results in pure joy.

I'm just glad we get to attend . . . 

. . . and admire the outerwear . . . 

. . . get a glimpse of the hardware . . . 

. . . and sometimes both.

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