Tuesday, September 6, 2011

So long summer

Okay, so I totally pulled a beth today. Yes, completely forgot about the blog post. I'm going to blame it on the three-day weekend, or first day of school, or this rainy weather.

Then, I am going to shamelessly copy Jacquie's idea of putting together a summer photo montage. And I am not even going to comment on these photos, or put them right-side up until after today's staff meeting. (C'mon, they don't call it pulling a beth for nothing...)

Boating fun


Miss M's Las Vegas debut

Bobblehead girls

Bobblehead limo party

M posing with her favorite M&M

Um, who knows

TPC in Sedona

Platnium win in Anaheim

Chuz and me

Puppies! More to follow in a future post

Old eastcoast graveyard...more to follow in a future post

Nice tatoo, isn't it? 4th of July 2011

507 person family reunion
And finally, so long summer, hello school year


  1. I bet I am the only one who can identify all these photos...what a summer!
    Love, mom

  2. Aw, look how cute they are! First day of school -- what a big day.

    Great photos, Beth. What a summer! Your girls are gigantic and adorable. And you're not so bad yourself.


  3. so you only de-braided one girl! awesome. love all the photos, it was a great summer indeed. And now? Even better things.



  4. Love it Beth, we all hate to see summer end, altho in San Diego it never does end... Mom C.
