Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I can't stand it. I really can't.

Of course, it's all any blogger or facetwitterer can talk about this week, and it's all I ever talk about after Labor Day weekend: the last weekend and concert of the summer at the del mar racetrack  back to school, back to school, back to school, back to school.

It's a big deal, though! We changed schools this year, which is old hat to my girl and her diverse academic elementary school vitae, but nothing short of monumental for a boy join a group of 7th graders who have been together since kindergarten.  Monday night was a little rocky, but they were up and at 'em and ready to brave the elements at the crack of dawn's cheery ass on Tuesday morning.

In my boy's writing book, I saw that he was asked to write a little something about himself that others might not know. He wrote: "I was in a wheelchair for 8 weeks in fifth grade, and I once won a pie eating contest."

He had a great day, and so did my girl, in spite of the fact that I embarrassed both of them mightily by peeking into their first period windows and waving madly.

I feel good about this school, I think it's going to be a great year.

But please, tell me how these two

no, no... these two

became these two?


  1. Oh how I *love* that first-day-of-school-photo tradition. They look so fresh and clean and new and nervous. Our cousin Sheila takes a last-day-of-school-photo too, and the contrast is hilarious.

    They are huge, giant people, Jacquie. How were you ever able to give birth to them?

    And may I reiterate? Their first day outfits are awesome. They're going to *wow* their new colleagues.


  2. all I can say is it happens even while we pay attention....kind of a mystery! Beautiful kids and a great 10th grader reminded me that we missed the 1st day of school picture this year (thanks to Irene!) It was nice to know she noticed and missed it! So we took a 5th day of school picture!

  3. They're so cute! I love seeing the contrast from year to year.

    I also love the sobering disparity of your boy's "in a wheelchair for 8 weeks" mixed with the breezy "and I won a pie-eating contest" description of himself. That's the type of person I want to know: someone who can overcome an obstacle with grace, yet who also knows how to have a really good time. :)

  4. Nice comment P&D -- so true about Jacquie's boy!

    So glad to hear that he had a good first day. The first day of 7th grade isn't easy ever, and at a new school? Well, that's impressive.

    Can't wait to hear more details.

    Love the photos, and love Sheila's last-day-of-school-photo tradition too!


  5. I look forward to this picture every year. Could they be any cuter (or cooler)? love them. mom/grammy

  6. I look forward to this picture every year. Could they be any cuter (or cooler)? love them. mom/grammy
