Thin mints.
My girl became a Brownie this year, and she has embarked on this journey with gusto and aplomb. She is trudging through the Brownie Quest handbook at breakneck speed, offering family safety tips and helpful hints for everyday life. She has already been on a weekend encampment, and she’s got patches starting to climb up the back of her sash vest. Yes, her vest. We campaigned hard for the old school sash, but we were outnumbered by the rest of the troop. She loves the meetings and the cabins and the songs and the whole Brownie thang. This weekend, we are going to The Cookie Kick-Off, and very soon after we will join the ranks of girls worldwide with their glossy trifolded order form promising delicacies for every taste at a cost of $4 a box. This year, for the first time ever, the girls are going to have the cookies available to hand over right at the time of your order, it is the age of instant gratification. This means that about a week from now, I’m going to have 80 boxes of cookies in my possession. I doubt that any good will come from that, but in honor of this age old rite of passage, I ask:
What’s your favorite girl scout cookie? Wait, that's too hard. Let's do top three. Feel free to include your least favorites as well, and your general thoughts on scouts, door-to-door sales, baked goods, whatevah.
Need a refresher? Come and meet the cookies
Top Three:
3. Tag-a-Longs (hurl)
So. Girl Scout Cookies. How we toiled, in the old days, going house to house, begging the peeps to order boxes from us. There were always a few sure things in the neighborhood, who always said yes, but weren't there at least four Girl Scouts at the same time in our 'hood? Mary Beth, Tami, Ann, me? Or maybe we didn't overlap. Anyway, I remember that one woman on Bettswood Road, right where the road curved, always said yes. Bless her heart.

I just asked Bill and he says he likes the ones that are like Gauchos*. He's referring, apparently, to the Do-Si-Do. Those are pretty good, too, I guess. Actually, you know what? I don't really like cookies. I much prefer salty snacks for dessert. Or another glass of wine.
But in the interest of cooperation and international peace, here are my picks:
1. Tagalongs (yum)
2. Do-Si-Do (which is really fun to say)
3. Samoas (hey, at least they have some life)
1. Trefoils (I hate shortbread)
2. Thanks-A-Lot (ditto)
3. Lemonades (double ditto)
*Oh wait! Look! Bill was right!:
Do-Si-Dos® or Peanut Butter Sandwich: A sandwich cookie. The round, bumpy perforated oatmeal cookie top and bottom surrounds a peanut butter-flavored layer inside. Do-Si-Dos® (formerly Gauchos) are baked by Little Brownie Bakers.
Well, I feel as though I should be leaving my list o' favorites in the comments section, as I am so late to this cookie game. But anything to avoid the word verification...
So, favorites....
1. Samoas
2. Tagalongs
3. Thank You Berry Much? (I've not yet tried them, but they sound pretty good)
1. Lemon Chalet Cremes (awful cookie, awful name)
2. Lemonades (not much for lemon cookies, I guess)
3. Daisy Go Rounds (who the hell wants to eat a reduced-fat cookie?!)
Like Ellie, I just don't see what's so great about thin mints. I don't dislike them, but I don't really like them either, or rather, I wouldn't buy them. Really, the only Girl Scout cookies that tempts me are the Samoas.
Yep, Jacquie, you heard right. Mmmmm. And apparently I'm not alone. In fact, I'm in the majority. They are the leader in the cookie survey on the Girl Scouts website. They've got 34% of the vote, to Thin Mints 26%. Tagalongs are third at 16%.
I actually had a classmate of Anneke's hit me up about cookie sales yesterday, which another mom told me later on in the day was against the rules! Official sales have not begun yet? I don't know, but I found her to be too pushy anyway, so didn't buy any.
Please have Clara put me down for a box of................... ...................wait for it................Samoas. It will be one less box of barf you have to look at J.
I love Tagalongs and Do-si-dos because I love peanut butter. Also, as an aside, when I had gestational diabetes with Liz, those were the only two that I could eat because of their sugar numbers.
I am also a fan of the Dulce de Leche cookies. Those are new from the past couple years, right? Yum-o.
I am not a fan of Thin Mints. I do not really love the chocolate/mint combo. I also don't like lemony or limey flavored desserts, so I don't think I'd care for the lemon flavored cookies.
I'm sure any bad things I've done in my 41yrs will all be excused because of my 6 years being a Girl Scout leader (how they let a former Camp Fire Girl lead girl scouts, I'll never know)
Needless to say, Cookie Kick-Off makes my skin is the start of a dreaded time of year! And do I need to remind you that my girls are door-to-door and hours outside your local Home Depot in ridiculously cold and lousy, windy weather?!?!
But..since you asked what my favorite cookies were and not whether I actually liked the whole cookie idea, here are my top three
1) Tag-a-long
2) Lemonades
3) Thin Mints
I really don't dislike any cookie but appreciate that my cookies are only $3.50 and not $4.00
thin mints and peanut butter whatever they're called - yum. Mom
3. Samoas
2. Tag-a-longs
1. Thin mints but, wait for it...dipped in Jif peanut butter.
I think this poll is rigged. I could swear I saw the word verification grow longer as I typed.
"arghtspi?" WTF?
I have never, ever eaten a girl scout cookie. I don't know how this has happened, but it had. Now you know.
Ellie? Rita? seriously? XUP-- SERIOUSLY? You people are rocking my world.
Ellie, next time you are approached by a scout, you should tell her "no thank you, but do you have any boxes of wine in your wagon?"
PA, your cookies are cheaper? What the???? I am a purely drop-off kind of brownie mom. When they asked for a "cookie mom", I dove under the table.
shocked and amused (and wondering what happened to Beth - does she hate cookies too?)
LOL, Jacquie.
And there Beth is! Late to the cookie party, but firmly anti-Thin Mint.
You are *so* outnumbered, Jacqueline.
p.s. love it Beth:
"It will be one less box of barf you have to look at J."
Our boxes are $3.50?box, too.
You all know that I had to make Katie quit Girl Scouts because the whole patch thing was beyond my mothering abilities. I was told incorrectly where to put certain patches (which made Katie cry when they were in the wrong place), and I am bad at sewing (which made Katie cry because other girls pointed out her mother's uneven stitching) and then when I tried to use fabric glue on a patch, it soaked through and adhered the vest upon itself in a way that could never be remedied (which made Katie cry, but well, it was the last spillage of tears over that program, so there). I have no opinion of the organization and its activities outside of the fact that they really need to focus on more than the damn patches if they want to keep us interested.
My verification word is "quite." Not a variation, it's the actual word, "quite," which I am taking as a sign from the gods that my post is dead-on correct. Quite.
Not only are our cookies $3.50, but our sale started January 2nd so you all can place orders with me and not be breaking any rules :)
And where did your little Brownie girl get that hat?! I haven't seen one of those since 1978.
Oh and the berry cookies tastes like Crunch Berries so I like them.
LOL Rita, our troop is totally low key, no one really cares where your patches go. It's big events like this kick-off that remind us that we are part of a bigger machine, and I feel badly for the leaders ....but better them than me. My boy was never a scout, but my girl reallyreallyreallyreallypleasepleaseplease wanted to do it, so here we are.
PA - they all have the beanies here, I love them! If you look veery closely at the photo, you can see where the dog chewed a hole in the thing. But alas, I wont have to fix it because we just returned from the zoo sans beanie. I think we left it on the skyfari. Hope it doesn't fall into some poor unsuspecting animal's enclosure and do harm.
I smell a scout post brewing for sure.... if I can ever finish talking about Hawaii.
I like both tag-a-longs and thin mints! Yum! And our cookies are only 3.50. In fact I think it's possible that they are 3.25. I wasn't worried when I ordered them even though I've ordered from several girls and will be getting about 10 boxes. Hopefully people at work also like thin mints and tagalongs! I think that $3-4 a box is way better than the ridiculous $15-25 price of boy scout popcorn. I'm so glad to no longer be selling that!
Thin Mints all the way (and I hate hate hate peanut butter!) Especially if you open a can of Betty Crocker cream cheese vanilla frosting...spread thinly over one thin mint bottom, then glued to another thin mint bottom...
LOVE thin mints. LOVE samoas (now called Caramel D'Lites). Love tag-a-longs but dare only order one box because self restraint is not my forte when it comes to cookies.
I ordered ten boxes this year. That's decadent and gross but I can't wait.
Thin mints ROCK! All the others can be cast aside. They are the best when frozen. Not only does it preserve the shelf life but makes them all the more fabulous!
Love the photo of your girl! And those of your Hawaiian adventures too.
I like Thin Mints, Do-Si-Do's and Samoas, in no particular order. I can't rank my least favorite since I don't think I've ever eaten anything but Thin Mints, Do-Si-Do's and Samoas.
My daughter is a junior girl scout this year. We got into the scouting racket late in the brownie phase. I am not a good scout Mom, as evidenced by the following:
Each Memorial Day the brownies march in the town parade. At that point Izzy only had a couple of patches and I never found the time to sew (or iron or whatever you have to do with them) them on her vest. So we went to the parade and all of the other brownies had patches on the front, back, sides, whatever. Izzy had zero patches. Just a brown vest. She didn't care. She still got to hold the banner. It was hysterical.
I love that girl of yours, Christine. I love that she didn't care about the stinkin' patches ("Patches? I don't need no stinkin' patches!") as long as she got to hold the banner.
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