This is ridiculous because I moved over a month ago, and the house has changed so much since I uploaded these on that first Friday with the intention of showing off the new pad. I was just thinking that I should find the cord and hook up the camera and scroll through the myriad shots of how things look now! Then I though what I always think ... I don't have time for that right now, I'll do it later. Then another month goes by.
Sorry, charlie - we're going back in time
to the very first day I got the keys to our big bad beautiful
(what's a synonym for house that starts with b? I just looked it up. I don't like billet)
I sent this to two friends who are now neighbors with the caption: "There goes the neighborhood" |
It's a big house. A big beige
empty house.
If you recall, the yellow house of love was inhabited in a furnished state, so we never had much cause for concern about the fact that we'd left most material possessions behind when we got divorced. We enjoyed a lovely two year respite from caring about such things, but now it was time to navigate some acquisitions, baby. Big ones.
So we got a big rig |
and filled it with big stuff |
This, my friends, is my happy place. I'll upload one recent pic at the end so you can see it in all its present glory. I can't stop buying things for this deck. That door on the left is my bedroom. |
So anyway, we had a big rig for a couple of days and drove it endlessly back and forth along the 5 mile journey from the old house to the new house. We sure had a lot of stuff for people without any stuff.
Let's go back to the happy place. That's SeaWorld back there. They are turds but they make pretty views. |
The house is big and spacious and has many funny quirks. Take, for example, the oven
Normal sized roasting pan for scale. Don't come for Thanksgiving. |
Other things are quite large
Teen sized pantry |
One of the first nights we slept over, my son went back to the old house to get a few things and I asked him to pack up some useful stuff from the pantry. Here is what he brought:
Someone said it looks like the shit you donate to a food drive |
One of my very best friends lives 5 doors up, which is awesome and so fun and convenient and the best thing ever. Look how adored I am by these two:
#overit |
Thank goodness that Mary is just down the way, and came right over with booze and an actual adoring glance.
The photo below is packed with meaning. I was taking video at the time, which I planned to entitle "the slow wag of confusion" because that was exactly what she was doing.
However, the photo was the one we ended up using to find that confused little knucklehead when she got out of the yard while naked from her collar.
We only had one dog that night. It was awful. |
Hey look, furniture! and TWO dogs! Yay, we found her. |
Glam |
We've all settled in nicely, and our tails are no longer doing the slow wag of confusion. Mostly. It's a great house in a great neighborhood and so what if I'm in a vortex of repair mishaps and customer service horror? So what. It's a great house and we're home.
Happy place. |